blob: e7893ff71e4053517417c3ba7d60056404678ab4 (
1 # Description: Objects and methods for reading and writing AppStream metadata
2 # URL:
3 # Maintainer: Tim Biermann, tbier at posteo dot de
4 # Depends on: gtk3 json-glib keyutils krb5 libsoup libyaml
5 # Optional: docbook-xsl snowball
7 name=appstream-glib
8 version=0.7.18
9 release=1
10 source=($name-$version.tar.xz)
12 build() {
13 [[ -f /usr/lib/ ]] && PKGMK_APPSTREAM_GLIB+=' -D stemmer=true' || PKGMK_APPSTREAM_GLIB+=' -D stemmer=false'
14 [[ -e /usr/share/xml/docbook ]] && PKGMK_APPSTREAM_GLIB+=' -D man=true' || PKGMK_APPSTREAM_GLIB+=' -D man=false'
15 meson setup $name-$version build $PKGMK_APPSTREAM_GLIB \
16 -D prefix=/usr \
17 -D buildtype=plain \
18 -D rpm=false \
19 -D gtk-doc=false
20 meson compile -C build
21 DESTDIR=$PKG meson install -C build
22 rm -fr $PKG/usr/share/locale
23 }