path: root/ndctl/Pkgfile
blob: 18c73e68199f16c4212c25eb9881e2d156ebdbbe (plain)
    1 # Description: Utility library for managing the libnvdimm (non-volatile memory device) sub-system in the Linux kernel
    2 # URL:
    3 # Maintainer: Tim Biermann, tbier at posteo dot de
    4 # Depends on: iniparser json-c keyutils meson ninja
    6 name=ndctl
    7 version=73
    8 release=1
    9 source=($version/$name-$version.tar.gz)
   11 build() {
   12   meson setup $name-$version build \
   13     --prefix=/usr \
   14     --buildtype=plain \
   15     --wrap-mode nodownload \
   16     -D b_lto=true \
   17     -D b_pie=true \
   18     -D asciidoctor=disabled \
   19     -D docs=disabled \
   20     -D systemd=disabled
   21   meson compile -C build
   22   DESTDIR=$PKG meson install -C build
   23 }

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