path: root/syslinux/Pkgfile
blob: a24230f36399c489fbb59f491a2b7c8da31432f9 (plain)
    1 # Description: Collection of boot loaders for the Linux operating system
    2 # URL:
    3 # Maintainer: Jose V Beneyto, sepen at crux dot nu
    4 # Packager: Jose V Beneyto, sepen at crux dot nu
    5 # Depends on: mtools perl
    7 name=syslinux
    8 version=3.84
    9 release=1
   10 source=($name/$name-$version.tar.bz2)
   12 build() {
   13   cd $name-$version
   14   cp win32/syslinux.exe .
   15   make OPTFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
   16   mv syslinux.exe win32
   17   make INSTALLROOT=$PKG install
   18   mv $PKG/sbin/* $PKG/usr/bin
   19   rm -r $PKG/sbin
   20 }

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