diff options
authorDanny Rawlins <>2019-09-22 14:41:33 +1000
committerDanny Rawlins <>2019-09-22 14:41:33 +1000
commit2b8b12b68d288f379210087d4a586ae14e839fd3 (patch)
parentdb5a3ce0a8fdd92683dea6be661f8cba1e152467 (diff)
xdg-dbus-proxy: fails to build without docbook-xsl despite configure says --enable-man is set to auto
3 files changed, 287 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/xdg-dbus-proxy/.signature b/xdg-dbus-proxy/.signature
index 86b6a7faf..b2fc7bb57 100644
--- a/xdg-dbus-proxy/.signature
+++ b/xdg-dbus-proxy/.signature
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
untrusted comment: verify with /etc/ports/
-SHA256 (Pkgfile) = 082d3e2df484a2eab7cd67d874a1c1fb3dc1e48b0909f810e9b9cb933c6ae1ce
+SHA256 (Pkgfile) = 19908bb5339f50f48bea04f761a14ead6d3df8ae91685d7fddbb55c6c550cf8d
+SHA256 (.footprint) = cae13179fb579c50dac65b2344315a515ad9ac3a38a736f93644aa4b5d1a0dc6
SHA256 (xdg-dbus-proxy-0.1.1.tar.xz) = 10b71573009d0e474d246576714742389eb65bba529276524b59ff5064791ef1
+SHA256 (xdg-dbus-proxy.1) = df2ece1600d846f9d39af44ec5f09b6357ed02d6282c27e5e58e7bcd257a3202
diff --git a/xdg-dbus-proxy/Pkgfile b/xdg-dbus-proxy/Pkgfile
index 1b05e02a7..65682f2ce 100644
--- a/xdg-dbus-proxy/Pkgfile
+++ b/xdg-dbus-proxy/Pkgfile
@@ -2,16 +2,21 @@
# URL:
# Maintainer: Danny Rawlins, crux at romster dot me
# Depends on: glib
+# Optional: docbook-xsl
+ xdg-dbus-proxy.1)
build() {
cd $name-$version
- ./configure --prefix=/usr
+ prt-get isinst docbook-xsl || install -Dm644 $SRC/xdg-dbus-proxy.1 $PKG/usr/share/man/man1/xdg-dbus-proxy.1 || \
+ PKGMK_XDG_DBUS_PROXY+=' --disable-man'
+ ./configure --prefix=/usr ${PKGMK_XDG_DBUS_PROXY}
make DESTDIR=$PKG install
diff --git a/xdg-dbus-proxy/xdg-dbus-proxy.1 b/xdg-dbus-proxy/xdg-dbus-proxy.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..974d425a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xdg-dbus-proxy/xdg-dbus-proxy.1
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+'\" t
+.\" Title: xdg-dbus-proxy
+.\" Author: Alexander Larsson
+.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets vsnapshot <>
+.\" Date: 09/22/2019
+.\" Manual: User Commands
+.\" Source: flatpak
+.\" Language: English
+.TH "XDG\-DBUS\-PROXY" "1" "" "flatpak" "User Commands"
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * Define some portability stuff
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq
+.el .ds Aq '
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * set default formatting
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" disable hyphenation
+.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only) l
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+xdg-dbus-proxy \- D\-Bus proxy
+.HP \w'\fBxdg\-dbus\-proxy\fR\ 'u
+ [\fIOPTION\fR...]
+ [\fIADDRESS\fR\ \fIPATH\fR\ [\fIOPTION\fR...]...]
+is a filtering proxy for D\-Bus connections\&. Its arguments are one or more
+pairs specifying the buses to proxy, with options that specify what filtering to apply\&.
+.SS "Basic Operation"
+The proxy listens to the unix domain socket at
+\fIPATH\fR, and for each client that connects to the socket, it opens up a new connection to the specified D\-Bus
+(typically the session bus) and forwards data between the two\&. During the authentication phase all data is forwarded as received, and additionally for the first 1 byte zero we also send the proxy credentials to the bus\&.
+Once the connection is authenticated there are two modes, filtered and unfiltered\&. In the unfiltered mode all messages are sent on as they are received\&. In the filtering mode policy is applied to determine which messages to allow, and which to drop\&.
+Filtering is applied only to outgoing signals and method calls and incoming broadcast signals\&. All replies (errors or method returns) are allowed once for an outstanding method call, and never otherwise\&.
+If a client ever receives a message from another peer on the bus, the senders unique name is made visible, so the client can track caller lifetimes via NameOwnerChanged signals\&. If a client calls a method on or receives a broadcast signal from a name (even if filtered to some subset of paths or interfaces), that names basic policy is considered to be (at least) TALK, from then on\&.
+.SS "Policy"
+The policy for the filtering consists of a mapping from well\-known names to a policy that is either SEE, TALK or OWN\&. The default initial policy is that the the user is only allowed to TALK to the bus itself (org\&.freedesktop\&.DBus, or no destination specified), and TALK to its own unique ID\&. All other clients are invisible\&.
+Here is a description of the policy levels (each level implies the ones before it):
+ .PP
+.RS 4
+ The name/ID is visible in the ListNames reply
+ The name/ID is visible in the ListActivatableNames reply
+ You can call GetNameOwner on the name
+ You can call NameHasOwner on the name
+ You see NameOwnerChanged signals on the name
+ You see NameOwnerChanged signals on the ID when the client disconnects
+ You can call the GetXXX methods on the name/ID to get e\&.g\&. the peer pid
+ You get AccessDenied rather than NameHasNoOwner when sending messages to the name/ID
+ .RE
+ .PP
+.RS 4
+ You can send any method calls and signals to the name/ID
+ You will receive broadcast signals from the name/ID (if you have a match rule for them)
+ You can call StartServiceByName on the name
+ .RE
+ .PP
+.RS 4
+ You are allowed to call RequestName/ReleaseName/ListQueuedOwners on the name
+ .RE
+Policy is specified with the
+options\&. The well\-known names in these options can have a \*(Aq\&.*\*(Aq suffix\&. A name of "org\&.foo\&.*" matches "org\&.foo", org\&.foo\&.bar", and "org\&.foo\&.bar\&.gazonk", but not "org\&.foobar"\&.
+Polices are specified for well\-known names, but they also affect the owner of that name, so that the policy for a unique ID is the union of the polices for all the names it owns\&. For technical reasons, the policy for a unique name is "sticky", in that the highest policy granted by a once\-owned name is kept, even when the client releases that name\&. This is impossible to avoid in a race\-free way in a proxy\&. But it is rarely a problem in practice, as few clients release names and stay on the bus\&.
+In addition to the basic SEE/TALK/OWN policy, it is possible to specify more complicated rules about what method calls can be made on and what broadcast signals can be received from well\-known names\&. A rule can restrict the allowed calls/signals to a specific object path or a subtree of object paths, and it can restrict the allowed interface down to an individual method or signal name\&.
+Rules are specified with the
+options\&. The
+in these options determines what interfaces, methods and object paths are allowed\&. It must be of the form [\fIMETHOD\fR][@\fIPATH\fR], where
+can be either \*(Aq*\*(Aq or a D\-Bus interface, possible with a \*(Aq\&.*\*(Aq suffix, or a fully\-qualified method name, and
+is a D\-Bus object path, possible with a \*(Aq/*\*(Aq suffix\&.
+ .PP
+When options are used multiple times, the last option wins, unless otherwise specified\&.
+ .PP
+General options:
+ .PP
+.RS 4
+ Print help and exit
+ .RE
+ .PP
+.RS 4
+ Print version
+ .RE
+ .PP
+.RS 4
+ Write to FD when the proxies are ready, and stop when it is closed\&.
+ .RE
+ .PP
+.RS 4
+ Parse nul\-separated arguments from the given file descriptor\&. This option can be used multiple times to parse options from multiple sources\&.
+ .RE
+ .PP
+Proxy Options:
+ .PP
+These options can only be used after an ADDRESS and apply to the proxy for that address\&.
+ .PP
+.RS 4
+ Enable filtering
+ .RE
+ .PP
+.RS 4
+ Turn on logging
+ .RE
+ .PP
+.RS 4
+ Make all unique names visible\&.
+ .RE
+ .PP
+.RS 4
+ Set the SEE policy for the given name\&.
+ .RE
+ .PP
+.RS 4
+ Set the TALK policy for the given name\&.
+ .RE
+ .PP
+.RS 4
+ Set the OWN policy for the given name\&.
+ .RE
+ .PP
+.RS 4
+ Set a rule for calls on the given name\&.
+ .RE
+ .PP
+.RS 4
+ Set a rule for broadcast signals from the given name\&.
+ .RE
+\fB$ xdg\-dbus\-proxy \-\-fd=26 unix:path=/run/usr/1000/bus /run/usr/1000/\&.dbus\-proxy/session\-bus\-proxy \-\-filter \-\-own=org\&.gnome\&.ghex\&.* \-\-talk=ca\&.desrt\&.dconf \-\-call=org\&.freedesktop\&.portal\&.*=* \-\-broadcast=org\&.freedesktop\&.portal\&.*=@/org/freedesktop/portal/*\fR

Generated by cgit