path: root/cmus/Pkgfile
blob: 86a9acc5880e52537800efe6948fcfb8c23116d0 (plain)
    1 # Description: Small and fast music player using the ncurses library
    2 # URL:
    3 # Maintainer: Jukka Heino, jukka dot heino at gmail dot com
    4 # Packager: Jukka Heino, jukka dot heino at gmail dot com
    5 # Depends on: 
    6 # Nice to have: alsa-lib, flac, libao, libid3tag, libmad, libmodplug, libmpcdec, libvorbis
    8 name=cmus
    9 version=2.0.2
   10 release=1
   11 source=($name-$version.tar.bz2)
   13 build() {
   14     cd $name-$version
   15     ./configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/man --disable-arts
   16     make
   17     make DESTDIR=$PKG install install-man
   18     rm -rf $PKG/usr/share/doc
   19 }

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