path: root/iso
diff options
authorMatt Housh <>2012-12-10 17:11:09 -0600
committerMatt Housh <>2012-12-10 17:11:09 -0600
commit740dc0d1b8c4ec0a185a7f50a4573fc0fe81a946 (patch)
treeaa217f4857798f394fba62f92508f5d447d9a8b3 /iso
parent2ce2a211d625879dec88621ab5119aea25213bb9 (diff)
Initial set of updates for 3.0
Diffstat (limited to 'iso')
7 files changed, 26 insertions, 587 deletions
diff --git a/iso/bin/net-setup b/iso/bin/net-setup
deleted file mode 100755
index c35d9e7..0000000
--- a/iso/bin/net-setup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-# CRUX Setup
-# Copyright (c) 2001-2005 by Per Liden <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
-# USA.
-do_dialog() {
- dialog --backtitle "CRUX $VERSION Setup" --no-shadow "$@"
-do_abort() {
- do_dialog --aspect 50 --defaultno --yesno "Abort installation?" 0 0 && exit 1
-do_select() {
- while true; do
- do_dialog "$@"
- if [ $? != 0 ]; then
- do_abort
- else
- break
- fi
- done
-welcome() {
- do_select --aspect 5 --yesno "Welcome!\n\nThis script will guide you through the installation of CRUX packages via HTTP/FTP.\n\nBefore starting the installation make sure you have read and understood the \"CRUX Installation Guide\" as well as configured/activated your network connection. If you have done that then please continue, else abort the installation and come back later.\n\nAre you really sure you want to continue?" 0 0
-select_action() {
- do_select --menu "Install or upgrade?" 9 45 2 \
- "1" "Install CRUX $VERSION" \
- "2" "Upgrade to CRUX $VERSION" 2> $tmpfile
- ACTION=`cat $tmpfile`
- if [ "$ACTION" = "1" ]; then
- else
- do_select --aspect 5 --yesno "NOTE!\n\nBefore upgrading make sure /etc/pkgadd.conf in the old installation is tuned to fit your needs, important files might otherwise be overwritten. Further, when this script has completed the upgrade you need to go though the rejected files in /var/lib/pkg/rejected/ and upgrade them manually if needed. See the pkgadd(8) man page for more information about /etc/pkgadd.conf.\n\nAre you really sure you want to continue?" 0 0
- fi
-select_root() {
- while true; do
- do_select --aspect 40 --inputbox "Enter directory where your CRUX root partition is mounted:" 0 0 "/mnt" 2> $tmpfile
- ROOT=`cat $tmpfile`
- if [ -d "$ROOT" ]; then
- if [ "$ACTION" = "INSTALL" ] || [ -f "$ROOT/var/lib/pkg/db" ]; then
- break
- fi
- do_dialog --aspect 50 --msgbox "Directory does not look like a CRUX root directory. Try again." 0 0
- else
- do_dialog --aspect 50 --msgbox "Directory not found. Try again." 0 0
- fi
- done
-select_url() {
- while true; do
- do_select --aspect 40 --inputbox "Enter the URL from which you wish to install CRUX packages:" 0 0 "$DEFAULT_URL" 2> $tmpfile
- INSTURL=`cat $tmpfile`
- # proxy support
- do_select --aspect 40 --inputbox "Enter proxy host (protocol://host[:port]) if needed, leave blank otherwise:" 0 0 "" 2> $tmpfile
- PROXYURL=`cat $tmpfile`
- if [ -z "$PROXYURL" ]; then
- export http_proxy="$PROXYURL"
- export ftp_proxy="$PROXYURL"
- fi
- # try to fetch the package list and md5sums
- [ -f $ROOT/packages.lst ] && rm -f $ROOT/packages.lst
- [ -f $ROOT/MD5SUMS ] && rm -f $ROOT/MD5SUMS
- do_dialog --aspect 50 --infobox "Attempting to download the package list..." 0 0
- wget -O $ROOT/packages.lst --tries=5 ${INSTURL}/crux/packages.lst > $tmpfile 2>&1
- wget -O $ROOT/MD5SUMS --tries=5 ${INSTURL}/crux/MD5SUMS >> $tmpfile 2>&1
- if [ ! -f $ROOT/packages.lst ] || [ ! -f $ROOT/MD5SUMS ]; then
- do_dialog --aspect 50 --msgbox "Failed to download the package list! Please try a different URL." 0 0
- else
- break
- fi
- done
-select_collections() {
- if [ "$ACTION" != "INSTALL" ]; then
- return 0
- fi
- TITLE="Select collections to install:\n(detailed package selection will follow)"
- do_select --separate-output --checklist "$TITLE" 13 60 6 \
- core "The core packages (required)" ON \
- opt "Optional packages" OFF \
- xorg " packages" OFF 2> $collfile
-ask_detailed() {
- if [ "$ACTION" != "INSTALL" ]; then
- return 0
- fi
- do_dialog --aspect 50 --defaultno --yesno "Do you want the chance to select packages individually?" 0 0 && DO_DETAILED="yes"
-select_packages() {
- if [ "$ACTION" = "INSTALL" ]; then
- if [ "$DO_DETAILED" = "yes" ]; then
- for collection in core opt xorg; do
- presel=`grep $collection $collfile`
- if [ "$presel" == "$collection" ]; then
- checked=ON
- else
- checked=OFF
- fi
- do_dialog --aspect 50 --infobox "Collecting package information, please wait..." 0 0
- TITLE="Select $collection packages to install:"
- PKG_LIST=`cat $ROOT/packages.lst | grep ^$collection | cut -d" " -f3 | sed 's/.pkg.tar.*//g' | awk -v col="$collection" -v chk="$checked" '{ print $1, "(" col ")", chk }' | sort | xargs echo ' '`
- do_select --separate-output --checklist "$TITLE" 19 60 12 $PKG_LIST 2>> $pkgfile
- done
- else # no detailed selection
- for collection in core opt xorg; do
- presel=`grep $collection $collfile`
- if [ "$presel" == "$collection" ]; then
- cat $ROOT/packages.lst | grep ^$collection | cut -d" " -f3 | sed 's/.pkg.tar.*//g' | sort >> $pkgfile
- fi
- done
- fi
- else
- # Upgrade
- do_dialog --aspect 50 --infobox "Collecting package information, please wait..." 0 0
- TITLE="Select packages to upgrade:"
- INSTALLED_PACKAGES=`pkginfo -r $ROOT -i | gawk '{ print $1; }'`
- for package in $INSTALLED_PACKAGES; do
- CORE_LIST="$CORE_LIST `grep ^core $ROOT/packages.lst | grep ${package}#.*.pkg.tar.* | cut -d" " -f3 | sed 's/.pkg.tar.*//g' | awk '{ print $1, "(core) ON\n" }' | sort | xargs echo ' '`"
- OPT_LIST="$OPT_LIST `grep ^opt $ROOT/packages.lst | grep ${package}#.*.pkg.tar.* | cut -d" " -f3 | sed 's/.pkg.tar.*//g' | awk '{ print $1, "(opt) ON\n" }' | sort | xargs echo ' '`"
- XORG_LIST="$XORG_LIST `grep ^xorg $ROOT/packages.lst | grep ${package}#.*.pkg.tar.* | cut -d" " -f3 | sed 's/.pkg.tar.*//g' | awk '{ print $1, "(xorg) ON\n" }' | sort | xargs echo ' '`"
- done
- do_select --separate-output --checklist "$TITLE" 19 60 12 $CORE_LIST $OPT_LIST $XORG_LIST 2> $pkgfile
- fi
-check_dependencies() {
- if [ "$ACTION" != "INSTALL" ]; then
- return 0
- fi
- do_dialog --aspect 50 --infobox "Checking dependencies, please wait..." 0 0
- get_missing_deps
- if [ -n "$MISSING_DEPS" ]; then
- for package in $MISSING_DEPS; do
- MISSING_LIST="$MISSING_LIST `grep ${package}#.*.pkg.tar.* $ROOT/packages.lst | sed -r 's/.pkg.tar.(xz|bz2|gz)/ /g' | awk '{ print $3, "(" $1 ")", "ON" }' | sort | xargs echo ' '`"
- done
- TITLE="The following packages are needed by the ones you selected"
- do_select --separate-output --checklist "$TITLE" 19 60 12 $MISSING_LIST 2>> $pkgfile
- fi
-get_missing_deps() {
- needed=""
- toinstall=`sed 's/\#.*//g' $pkgfile`
- for f in $toinstall; do
- pdeps=`grep "^$f\:" $depsfile|sed "s|^$f: ||g"`
- for d in $pdeps; do
- needed="$needed $d"
- done
- done
- sed 's/\#.*//g' $pkgfile|sort -u > $markedfile
- echo $needed|tr ' ' '\n'|sort -u > $neededfile
- MISSING_DEPS=`comm -1 -3 $markedfile $neededfile`
-confirm() {
- if [ "$ACTION" = "INSTALL" ]; then
- # Install
- do_select --aspect 25 --yesno "Selected packages will now be installed. Are you sure you want to continue?" 0 0
- else
- # Upgrade
- do_select --aspect 25 --yesno "Selected packages will now be upgraded. Are you sure you want to continue?" 0 0
- fi
-progressbar() {
- echo "XXX"
- expr $COUNT '*' 50 / $TOTAL
- echo "\n$*"
- echo "XXX"
- let $((COUNT+=1))
-install_packages() {
- if [ ! -d $ROOT/var/lib/pkg ]; then
- mkdir -p $ROOT/var/lib/pkg
- touch $ROOT/var/lib/pkg/db
- fi
- if [ -d $ROOT/var/lib/pkg/rejected ]; then
- rm -rf $ROOT/var/lib/pkg/rejected
- fi
- if [ "$ACTION" = "INSTALL" ]; then
- else
- # We use -f here since we want to avoid pkgadd conflicts.
- # Unwanted/Unexpected conflicts could arise if files are
- # moved from one package to another, or if the user added
- # the files himself. Instead of failing the whole upgrade
- # we force the upgrade. This should be fairly safe and it
- # will probably help to avoid some "semi-bogus" errors from
- # pkgadd. The rules in /etc/pkgadd.conf will still be used.
- PKGARGS="-f -u"
- fi
- (
- # Log header
- echo "Log ($logfile)" > $logfile
- echo "----------------------------------------------------------" >> $logfile
- # Install packages
- KERNEL_VERSION=`basename ./kernel/linux-*.config .config | sed 's/^linux-//'`
- TOTAL=`cat $pkgfile | wc -l`
- let $((TOTAL+=1))
- let $((COUNT=0))
- let $((ERRORS=0))
- for FILE in `cat $pkgfile`; do
- # download the package first
- progressbar "Downloading $FILE..."
- ESCFILE="`echo $FILE | sed 's/#/%23/g'`"
- COLL="`grep $FILE.pkg.tar.$PKG_EXT $ROOT/packages.lst | cut -d" " -f1`"
- let $((TRIES=0))
- while true; do
- if [ "$TRIES" = "5" ]; then
- do_dialog --aspect 50 --msgbox "Failed to download package $FILE! Please restart setup using a different URL or install it manually after setup completes." 0 0
- break
- fi
- # if the download has failed before, remove a possibly incomplete file
- [ -f $ROOT/$FILE.pkg.tar.* ] && rm -f $ROOT/$FILE.pkg.tar.* > /dev/null
- # download the package
- (cd $ROOT && wget --tries=5 $INSTURL/crux/$COLL/$ESCFILE.pkg.tar.$PKG_EXT > $tmpfile 2>&1)
- # check its MD5 checksum
- if [ "`grep $FILE.pkg.tar.${PKG_EXT}$ $ROOT/MD5SUMS | cut -d' ' -f1`" = "`md5sum $ROOT/$FILE.pkg.tar.$PKG_EXT | cut -d' ' -f1`" ]; then
- break
- else
- do_dialog --aspect 50 --infobox "$FILE.pkg.tar.$PKG_EXT failed MD5SUM check, trying again..." 0 0
- sleep 5
- fi
- done
- if [ ! "$FAILED" = "1" ]; then
- # then install it
- progressbar "Installing $FILE..."
- echo -n "Installing $FILE....." >> $logfile
- pkgadd -r $ROOT $PKGARGS $ROOT/$FILE.pkg.tar.$PKG_EXT >> $tmpfile 2>&1
- rm -f $ROOT/$FILE.pkg.tar.$PKG_EXT
- if [ $? = 0 ]; then
- echo "OK" >> $logfile
- else
- let $((ERRORS+=1))
- echo "ERROR" >> $logfile
- echo "" >> $logfile
- cat $tmpfile >> $logfile
- echo "" >> $logfile
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Install kernel
- if [ ! -d $ROOT/usr/src/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION ]; then
- progressbar "Downloading linux-$KERNEL_VERSION..."
- (cd $ROOT/usr/src && wget --tries=5 $INSTURL/crux/kernel/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION.tar.bz2 > $tmpfile 2>&1)
- if [ ! -f $ROOT/usr/src/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION.tar.bz2 ]; then
- do_dialog --aspect 40 --msgbox "Failed to download linux-$KERNEL_VERSION! Please try a different URL or install it manually after setup completes." 0 0
- fi
- progressbar "Installing linux-$KERNEL_VERSION..."
- echo -n "Installing linux-$KERNEL_VERSION....." >> $logfile
- (
- set -e
- tar -C $ROOT/usr/src -xjf $ROOT/usr/src/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION.tar.bz2
- cp -f ./kernel/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION.config $ROOT/usr/src/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION/.config
- chown -R root.root $ROOT/usr/src/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION
- chmod -R go-w $ROOT/usr/src/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION
- shopt -s nullglob
- # modified to be filename-agnostic
- for patch in ./kernel/*patch; do
- patch -s -d $ROOT/usr/src/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION -p1 < $patch
- cp $patch $ROOT/usr/src/
- done
- if [ ! -d $ROOT/lib/modules/$KERNEL_VERSION ]; then
- mkdir -p $ROOT/lib/modules/$KERNEL_VERSION
- depmod -b $ROOT -a $KERNEL_VERSION
- fi
- ) > $tmpfile 2>&1
- if [ $? = 0 ]; then
- echo "OK" >> $logfile
- else
- let $((ERRORS+=1))
- echo "ERROR" >> $logfile
- echo "" >> $logfile
- cat $tmpfile >> $logfile
- echo "" >> $logfile
- fi
- else
- echo "Directory $ROOT/usr/src/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION already exists." >> $logfile
- echo "Assuming linux-$KERNEL_VERSION is already installed." >> $logfile
- fi
- # Log footer
- echo "----------------------------------------------------------" >> $logfile
- echo "$ERRORS error(s) found" >> $logfile
- cat $logfile > $tmpfile
- echo "" > $logfile
- if [ "$ERRORS" = "0" ]; then
- else
- echo "$ACTION FAILED!" >> $logfile
- fi
- echo "" >> $logfile
- echo "" >> $logfile
- cat $tmpfile >> $logfile
- ) | do_dialog --title " Please wait " --gauge "" 8 60 0
- # Show log
- do_dialog --exit-label "OK" --textbox $logfile 19 68
-main() {
- welcome
- select_action
- select_root
- select_url
- select_collections
- ask_detailed
- select_packages
- check_dependencies
- confirm
- if [ "$ACTION" = "UPGRADE" ] && [ -f /usr/bin/net-setup-helper ]
- then
- (/usr/bin/net-setup-helper $ROOT $INSTURL &> $helperlogfile) | do_dialog \
- --title " Please wait [2.6 -> 2.7 check]" --gauge "" 8 60 0
- fi
- install_packages
- cat $helperlogfile 2> /dev/null
-# Detailed selection of packages
-trap "rm -f $tmpfile $pkgfile $collfile $neededfile $markedfile" 0 1 2 5 15
-if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
- crux_dir=$1
-if [ -d $crux_dir ]; then
- cd $crux_dir
- do_dialog --aspect 50 --msgbox "Directory $crux_dir not found. Aborting." 0 0
- exit 1
-# End of file
diff --git a/iso/bin/net-setup-helper b/iso/bin/net-setup-helper
deleted file mode 100755
index 656a495..0000000
--- a/iso/bin/net-setup-helper
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-# post setup
-# Johannes Winkelmann, jw at tks6 dot net
-## those values should be changed:
-is_installed() {
- printf "%s" $(pkginfo -r $ROOT -i | gawk -v r="^$1\$" '$1 ~ r {print $1}')
-rename_packages() {
- if [ -z "$1" ]; then
- return
- fi
- pkg=$@
- filter="sed "
- runfilter="no"
- for tuple in $@; do
- split=($(echo $tuple|sed -e 's|:| |'))
- if [ -n "${split[1]}" ] && [ `is_installed ${split[0]}` ]; then
- echo "Package renamed: ${split[0]} -> ${split[1]}"
- filter="$filter -e 's|^${split[0]}$|${split[1]}|'"
- runfilter="yes"
- fi
- done
- if [ "$runfilter" = "no" ]; then
- return
- fi
- :> $TMPDB
- if [ -f $DB ]; then
- nextIsName=1
- cat $DB|while read l; do
- if [ $nextIsName -eq 1 ]; then
- nextIsName=0
- echo $l|eval $filter >> $TMPDB
- else
- if [ "$l" = "" ]; then
- nextIsName=1
- fi
- echo $l >> $TMPDB
- fi
- done
- fi
-remove_packages() {
- for package in $@; do
- if [ `is_installed $package` ]; then
- echo "Package removed: $package"
- $PKGRM -r $ROOT $package
- fi
- done
-inject_packages() {
- for package in $@; do
- if [ -z `is_installed $package` ]; then
- echo "Package injected: $package"
- #pkg="`find core opt xorg \( -name \"${package}#*.pkg.tar.gz\" -o -name \"${package}#*.pkg.tar.bz2\" -o -name \"${package}#*.pkg.tar.xz\" \)&2> /dev/null`"
- pkg="`grep \"${package}#*.pkg.tar\" $ROOT/packages.lst | cut -d" " -f3`"
- escpkg="`echo $pkg | sed -e 's/#/%23/g'`"
- coll="`grep \"${package}#*.pkg.tar\" $ROOT/packages.lst | cut -d" " -f1`"
- let $((TRIES=0))
- while true; do
- if [ "$TRIES" = "5" ]; then
- echo "Failed to download $pkg! Please install it manually after setup completes."
- break
- fi
- # if the last md5 check failed there might be an incomplete file
- [ -f $ROOT/$pkg ] && rm -f $ROOT/$pkg > /dev/null
- # download the file
- wget -O $ROOT/$pkg ${INSTURL}/crux/$coll/$escpkg > /tmp/log.wget.$$ 2>&1
- # check md5sum
- if [ "`grep ${pkg}$ $ROOT/MD5SUMS | cut -d\" \" -f1`" = "`md5sum $ROOT/$pkg | cut -d\" \" -f1`" ]; then
- break
- else
- echo "$pkg failed md5sum check, refetching..."
- sleep 5
- fi
- done
- if [ -n "$pkg" ]; then
- $PKGADD -r $ROOT -f $pkg
- rm -f $ROOT/$pkg
- else
- echo " ERROR: package $package not found"
- fi
- fi
- done
-if [ -z "$1" ]; then
- echo "Usage: $0 <root> <installation URL>"
- exit -1
-##### # 2.6 -> 2.7 #####
-echo "* CRUX 2.6 -> 2.7 setup-helper"
-rename_packages "libattr:attr"
-remove_packages portmap glitz
-inject_packages libmpc attr acl libcap
-if [ `is_installed xorg-xf86-video-intel` ]; then
- inject_packages gperf xorg-xcb-util
-if [ `is_installed cairo` ]; then
- inject_packages gperf xorg-xcb-util
-if [ `is_installed nfs-utils` ]; then
- inject_packages libtirpc libnfsidmap libevent rpcbind
diff --git a/iso/bin/setup b/iso/bin/setup
index e36b788..28def66 100755
--- a/iso/bin/setup
+++ b/iso/bin/setup
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
# USA.
do_dialog() {
dialog --backtitle "CRUX $VERSION Setup" --no-shadow "$@"
@@ -212,8 +212,8 @@ install_packages() {
echo "----------------------------------------------------------" >> $logfile
# Install packages
- KERNEL=./kernel/linux-*.tar.bz2
- KERNEL_VERSION=`basename $KERNEL .tar.bz2 | sed "s/linux-//"`
+ KERNEL=./kernel/linux-*.tar.xz
+ KERNEL_VERSION=`basename $KERNEL .tar.xz | sed "s/linux-//"`
TOTAL=`cat $pkgfile | wc -l`
let $((TOTAL+=1))
let $((COUNT=0))
@@ -236,11 +236,11 @@ install_packages() {
# Install kernel
if [ ! -d $ROOT/usr/src/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION ]; then
- progressbar "Installing `basename $KERNEL .tar.bz2`..."
- echo -n "Installing `basename $KERNEL .tar.bz2`....." >> $logfile
+ progressbar "Installing `basename $KERNEL .tar.xz`..."
+ echo -n "Installing `basename $KERNEL .tar.xz`....." >> $logfile
set -e
- tar -C $ROOT/usr/src -xjf $KERNEL
+ tar -C $ROOT/usr/src -xJf $KERNEL
cp -f ./kernel/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION.config $ROOT/usr/src/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION/.config
chown -R root.root $ROOT/usr/src/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION
chmod -R go-w $ROOT/usr/src/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ main() {
if [ "$ACTION" = "UPGRADE" ] && [ -f /usr/bin/setup-helper ]
(/usr/bin/setup-helper $ROOT &> $helperlogfile) | do_dialog \
- --title " Please wait [2.7 -> 2.8 check]" --gauge "" 8 60 0
+ --title " Please wait [2.8 -> 3.0 check]" --gauge "" 8 60 0
diff --git a/iso/bin/setup-helper b/iso/bin/setup-helper
index 348fb08..2b25c05 100755
--- a/iso/bin/setup-helper
+++ b/iso/bin/setup-helper
@@ -94,40 +94,10 @@ if [ -z "$1" ]; then
-##### # 2.7 -> 2.8 #####
-echo "* CRUX 2.7 -> 2.8 setup-helper"
+##### # 2.8 -> 3.0 #####
+echo "* CRUX 2.8 -> 3.0 setup-helper"
-rename_packages "util-linux-ng:util-linux"
-remove_packages module-init-tools eject
-inject_packages kmod tzdata util-linux
-if [ `is_installed glib` ]; then
- inject_packages libffi
-if [ `is_installed wpa_supplicant` ]; then
- inject_packages libnl
-if [ `is_installed xorg-xcb-util` ]; then
- inject_packages xorg-xcb-util-image xorg-xcb-util-keysyms xorg-xcb-util-renderutil xorg-xcb-util-wm
-if [ `is_installed xorg-xf86-input-evdev` ]; then
- inject_packages mtdev
-if [ `is_installed xorg-xf86-input-synaptics` ]; then
- inject_packages mtdev
-if [ `is_installed firefox` ]; then
- inject_packages nspr nss sqlite3
-if [ `is_installed mesa3d` ]; then
- inject_packages glu
+inject_packages glibc-32
# force replacement of /etc/mtab with symlink
ln -sf /proc/self/mounts $ROOT/etc/mtab
diff --git a/iso/etc/motd b/iso/etc/motd
index 77f0507..497565a 100644
--- a/iso/etc/motd
+++ b/iso/etc/motd
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Welcome to the CRUX 2.8 installation media!
+Welcome to the CRUX 3.0 installation media!
diff --git a/iso/isolinux/boot.msg b/iso/isolinux/boot.msg
index df73701..62273f8 100644
--- a/iso/isolinux/boot.msg
+++ b/iso/isolinux/boot.msg
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- Welcome to the CRUX 2.8 installation media!
+ Welcome to the CRUX 3.0 installation media!
Press <Enter> to boot using the default 'CRUX' image
or use one of the others in the following list:
diff --git a/iso/setup.dependencies b/iso/setup.dependencies
index b67e88e..a3e9dbe 100644
--- a/iso/setup.dependencies
+++ b/iso/setup.dependencies
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ bin86: bin86
bindutils: openssl bindutils
binutils: zlib binutils
bison: bison
-btrfs-progs: e2fsprogs btrfs-progs
+btrfs-progs: ncurses zlib util-linux e2fsprogs btrfs-progs
bzip2: bzip2
+ca-certificates: ca-certificates
coreutils: libgmp attr acl libcap coreutils
cpio: cpio
curl: openssl zlib curl
@@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ db: db
dcron: dcron
dhcpcd: dhcpcd
diffutils: diffutils
-e2fsprogs: e2fsprogs
+e2fsprogs: ncurses zlib util-linux e2fsprogs
ed: ed
exim: db openssl libpcre tcp_wrappers exim
file: zlib file
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ gcc: zlib libgmp libmpfr libmpc gcc
gdbm: gdbm
gettext: ncurses attr acl gettext
glibc: glibc
+glibc-32: glibc-32
grep: libpcre grep
groff: groff
gzip: gzip
@@ -38,8 +40,8 @@ iana-etc: iana-etc
inetutils: ncurses readline inetutils
iproute2: db iptables iproute2
iptables: iptables
-iputils: sysfsutils iputils
-jfsutils: jfsutils
+iputils: attr openssl sysfsutils libcap iputils
+jfsutils: ncurses zlib util-linux jfsutils
kbd: kbd
kmod: kmod
less: ncurses libpcre less
@@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ prt-get: prt-get
psmisc: ncurses psmisc
rc: rc
readline: ncurses readline
-reiserfsprogs: reiserfsprogs
+reiserfsprogs: ncurses zlib util-linux reiserfsprogs
rsync: attr acl rsync
sed: attr acl sed
shadow: attr acl shadow
@@ -98,27 +100,28 @@ util-linux: ncurses zlib util-linux
vim: ncurses attr acl vim
wget: openssl wget
which: which
-xfsprogs: xfsprogs
+xfsprogs: ncurses zlib util-linux xfsprogs
xz: xz
zip: bzip2 zip
zlib: zlib
alsa-lib: alsa-lib
atk: libpcre libffi gdbm openssl bzip2 zlib ncurses readline sqlite3 python glib atk
-cairo: zlib expat gdbm openssl bzip2 ncurses xorg-xproto libpthread-stubs xorg-xf86bigfontproto xorg-xextproto xorg-xtrans xorg-util-macros xorg-renderproto xorg-libpixman libpcre libffi freetype libpng libxml2 readline xorg-libxdmcp xorg-libxau xorg-kbproto xorg-inputproto fontconfig libxslt sqlite3 python xorg-xcb-proto glib xorg-libxcb xorg-libx11 xorg-xcb-util xorg-libxrender cairo
+cairo: zlib expat xorg-xproto gdbm openssl bzip2 ncurses libpthread-stubs xorg-xf86bigfontproto xorg-xextproto xorg-xtrans xorg-util-macros xorg-renderproto xorg-libpixman libpcre libffi freetype libpng libxml2 xorg-libxdmcp xorg-libxau readline xorg-kbproto xorg-inputproto fontconfig libxslt sqlite3 python xorg-xcb-proto glib xorg-libxcb xorg-libx11 xorg-xcb-util xorg-libxext xorg-libxrender cairo
cdrkit: zlib openssl bzip2 xz attr expat ncurses file curl acl libcap libarchive cmake cdrkit
cmake: openssl zlib bzip2 xz attr expat ncurses curl acl libarchive cmake
dialog: ncurses dialog
expat: expat
fakeroot: fakeroot
fetchmail: openssl fetchmail
-firefox: nspr ncurses libpcre libffi gdbm openssl bzip2 zlib hicolor-icon-theme xorg-xproto libpthread-stubs xorg-xf86bigfontproto xorg-xextproto xorg-xtrans xorg-util-macros libjpeg expat xorg-renderproto xorg-libpixman xorg-fixesproto xorg-xineramaproto xorg-randrproto xorg-compositeproto alsa-lib yasm xorg-libpciaccess xorg-dri2proto xorg-xf86vidmodeproto xorg-damageproto readline libxml2 libpng freetype xorg-libxdmcp xorg-libxau xorg-makedepend xorg-libice xorg-kbproto xorg-inputproto xorg-glproto libtiff libdrm sqlite3 libxslt fontconfig xorg-libsm nss python glib xorg-xcb-proto talloc libxml2-python libidl atk xorg-libxcb xorg-libx11 xorg-xcb-util gdk-pixbuf xorg-libxrender xorg-libxext xorg-libxfixes xorg-libxt cairo xorg-libxft xorg-libxinerama xorg-libxrandr xorg-libxxf86vm xorg-libxcursor xorg-libxcomposite xorg-libxdamage pango mesa3d gtk firefox
+firefox: nspr ncurses libpcre libffi gdbm openssl bzip2 zlib hicolor-icon-theme xorg-xproto libpthread-stubs xorg-xf86bigfontproto xorg-xextproto xorg-xtrans xorg-util-macros libjpeg expat xorg-renderproto xorg-libpixman xorg-fixesproto xorg-xineramaproto xorg-randrproto xorg-compositeproto alsa-lib yasm xorg-libpciaccess xorg-dri2proto xorg-xf86vidmodeproto xorg-damageproto readline libxml2 libpng freetype xorg-libxdmcp xorg-libxau xorg-makedepend xorg-libice xorg-kbproto xorg-inputproto xorg-glproto libtiff libdrm sqlite3 libxslt fontconfig xorg-libsm nss python glib xorg-xcb-proto talloc libxml2-python libidl atk xorg-libxcb xorg-libx11 xorg-xcb-util gdk-pixbuf xorg-libxext xorg-libxrender xorg-libxfixes xorg-libxt xorg-libxinerama xorg-libxxf86vm cairo xorg-libxft xorg-libxrandr xorg-libxcursor xorg-libxcomposite xorg-libxdamage harfbuzz mesa3d pango gtk firefox
fontconfig: zlib expat freetype fontconfig
freetype: zlib freetype
gdk-pixbuf: libpcre libffi gdbm openssl bzip2 zlib ncurses xorg-xproto libpthread-stubs xorg-xf86bigfontproto xorg-xextproto xorg-xtrans xorg-util-macros libjpeg libxml2 libpng readline xorg-libxdmcp xorg-libxau xorg-kbproto xorg-inputproto libtiff libxslt sqlite3 python glib xorg-xcb-proto xorg-libxcb xorg-libx11 gdk-pixbuf
glib: libpcre libffi gdbm openssl bzip2 zlib ncurses readline sqlite3 python glib
gperf: gperf
grub2: kmod zlib udev freetype libdevmapper grub2
-gtk: libpcre libffi gdbm openssl bzip2 zlib ncurses hicolor-icon-theme xorg-xproto libpthread-stubs xorg-xf86bigfontproto xorg-xextproto xorg-xtrans xorg-util-macros libjpeg expat xorg-renderproto xorg-libpixman xorg-fixesproto xorg-xineramaproto xorg-randrproto xorg-compositeproto libxml2 libpng freetype readline xorg-libxdmcp xorg-libxau xorg-libice xorg-kbproto xorg-inputproto libtiff libxslt fontconfig sqlite3 xorg-libsm python glib xorg-xcb-proto atk xorg-libxcb xorg-libx11 xorg-xcb-util gdk-pixbuf xorg-libxrender xorg-libxext xorg-libxfixes cairo xorg-libxft xorg-libxinerama xorg-libxrandr xorg-libxcursor xorg-libxcomposite pango gtk
+gtk: libpcre libffi gdbm openssl bzip2 zlib ncurses hicolor-icon-theme xorg-xproto libpthread-stubs xorg-xf86bigfontproto xorg-xextproto xorg-xtrans xorg-util-macros libjpeg expat xorg-renderproto xorg-libpixman xorg-fixesproto xorg-xineramaproto xorg-randrproto xorg-compositeproto libxml2 libpng freetype readline xorg-libxdmcp xorg-libxau xorg-libice xorg-kbproto xorg-inputproto libtiff libxslt fontconfig sqlite3 xorg-libsm python glib xorg-xcb-proto atk xorg-libxcb xorg-libx11 xorg-xcb-util gdk-pixbuf xorg-libxext xorg-libxrender xorg-libxfixes xorg-libxinerama cairo xorg-libxft xorg-libxrandr xorg-libxcursor xorg-libxcomposite harfbuzz pango gtk
+harfbuzz: zlib expat xorg-xproto gdbm openssl bzip2 ncurses libpthread-stubs xorg-xf86bigfontproto xorg-xextproto xorg-xtrans xorg-util-macros xorg-renderproto xorg-libpixman libpcre libffi freetype libpng libxml2 xorg-libxdmcp xorg-libxau readline xorg-kbproto xorg-inputproto fontconfig libxslt sqlite3 python xorg-xcb-proto glib xorg-libxcb xorg-libx11 xorg-xcb-util xorg-libxext xorg-libxrender cairo harfbuzz
hicolor-icon-theme: hicolor-icon-theme
intltool: expat db gdbm perl p5-xml-parser intltool
keyutils: keyutils
@@ -142,9 +145,9 @@ nano: ncurses nano
nfs-utils: tcp_wrappers attr libtirpc libnfsidmap libevent keyutils libcap rpcbind nfs-utils
nspr: nspr
nss: nspr ncurses readline sqlite3 nss
-openbox: gdbm openssl bzip2 zlib ncurses xorg-xproto libpthread-stubs xorg-xf86bigfontproto xorg-xextproto xorg-xtrans xorg-util-macros xorg-xineramaproto xorg-randrproto xorg-renderproto libpcre libffi expat xorg-libpixman libxml2 freetype libpng readline xorg-libxdmcp xorg-libxau xorg-libice xorg-kbproto xorg-inputproto libxslt fontconfig sqlite3 xorg-libsm python xorg-xcb-proto glib xorg-libxcb xorg-libx11 xorg-xcb-util xorg-libxext xorg-libxrender xorg-libxinerama xorg-libxrandr cairo xorg-libxft pango openbox
+openbox: gdbm openssl bzip2 zlib ncurses xorg-xproto libpthread-stubs xorg-xf86bigfontproto xorg-xextproto xorg-xtrans xorg-util-macros xorg-xineramaproto xorg-randrproto xorg-renderproto libpcre libffi expat xorg-libpixman libxml2 freetype libpng readline xorg-libxdmcp xorg-libxau xorg-libice xorg-kbproto xorg-inputproto libxslt fontconfig sqlite3 xorg-libsm python xorg-xcb-proto glib xorg-libxcb xorg-libx11 xorg-xcb-util xorg-libxext xorg-libxrender xorg-libxinerama xorg-libxrandr cairo xorg-libxft harfbuzz pango openbox
p5-xml-parser: expat db gdbm perl p5-xml-parser
-pango: zlib expat gdbm openssl bzip2 ncurses xorg-xproto libpthread-stubs xorg-xf86bigfontproto xorg-xextproto xorg-xtrans xorg-util-macros xorg-renderproto xorg-libpixman libpcre libffi freetype libpng libxml2 readline xorg-libxdmcp xorg-libxau xorg-libice xorg-kbproto xorg-inputproto fontconfig libxslt sqlite3 xorg-libsm python xorg-xcb-proto glib xorg-libxcb xorg-libx11 xorg-xcb-util xorg-libxrender xorg-libxext cairo xorg-libxft pango
+pango: zlib expat xorg-xproto gdbm openssl bzip2 ncurses libpthread-stubs xorg-xf86bigfontproto xorg-xextproto xorg-xtrans xorg-util-macros xorg-renderproto xorg-libpixman libpcre libffi freetype libpng libxml2 xorg-libxdmcp xorg-libxau readline xorg-libice xorg-kbproto xorg-inputproto fontconfig libxslt sqlite3 xorg-libsm python xorg-xcb-proto glib xorg-libxcb xorg-libx11 xorg-xcb-util xorg-libxext xorg-libxrender cairo xorg-libxft harfbuzz pango
parted: kmod ncurses udev readline libdevmapper parted
procmail: procmail
python: gdbm openssl bzip2 zlib ncurses readline sqlite3 python

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