#!/bin/sh # # gen-mirror - generate a directory tree for upload to a netinst mirror # usage () { echo "usage: create a new mirror in like so:" echo "" echo "$0 " } if [ -z "$1" ] then usage exit else echo -n "Generating package list... " ./gen-pkglist echo "done." mkdir -p "$1"/crux/{core,opt,xorg,kernel} cp -v core/*/*.pkg.tar.* "$1"/crux/core/ cp -v opt/*/*.pkg.tar.* "$1"/crux/opt/ cp -v xorg/*/*.pkg.tar.* "$1"/crux/xorg/ cp -v packages.lst MD5SUMS "$1"/crux/ cp -v ../kernel/linux-*.tar.* "$1"/crux/kernel/ echo "$1 is ready to upload to your netinst mirror." fi