path: root/iso/bin/setup
blob: d9ecd8ec7d41c1c42341c0d4ecc61074e9b86862 (plain)
    1 #!/bin/bash
    2 #
    3 # CRUX Setup
    4 #
    5 # Copyright (c) 2001-2005 by Per Liden <>
    6 #
    7 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    8 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    9 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   10 # (at your option) any later version.
   11 #
   12 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   13 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   15 # GNU General Public License for more details.
   16 #
   17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   18 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   19 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, 
   20 # USA.
   21 #
   23 VERSION="3.0"
   25 do_dialog() {
   26     dialog --backtitle "CRUX $VERSION Setup" --no-shadow "$@"
   27 }
   29 do_abort() {
   30     do_dialog --aspect 50 --defaultno --yesno "Abort installation?" 0 0 && exit 1
   31 }
   33 do_select() {
   34     while true; do
   35 	do_dialog "$@"
   36 	if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   37 	    do_abort
   38 	else
   39 	    break
   40 	fi
   41     done
   42 }
   44 welcome() {
   45     do_select --aspect 5 --yesno "Welcome!\n\nThis script will guide you through the installation of CRUX packages.\n\nBefore starting the installation make sure you have read and understood the \"CRUX Installation Guide\". If you have done that then please continue, else abort the installation and come back later.\n\nAre you really sure you want to continue?" 0 0
   46 }
   48 select_action() {
   49     do_select --menu "Install or upgrade?" 9 45 2 \
   50 	             "1" "Install CRUX $VERSION" \
   51                      "2" "Upgrade to CRUX $VERSION" 2> $tmpfile
   52     ACTION=`cat $tmpfile`
   53     if [ "$ACTION" = "1" ]; then
   55     else
   57 	do_select --aspect 5 --yesno "NOTE!\n\nBefore upgrading make sure /etc/pkgadd.conf in the old installation is tuned to fit your needs, important files might otherwise be overwritten. Further, when this script has completed the upgrade you need to go though the rejected files in /var/lib/pkg/rejected/ and upgrade them manually if needed. See the pkgadd(8) man page for more information about /etc/pkgadd.conf.\n\nAre you really sure you want to continue?" 0 0
   58     fi
   59 }
   61 select_root() {
   62     while true; do
   63 	do_select --aspect 40 --inputbox "Enter directory where your CRUX root partition is mounted:" 0 0 "/mnt" 2> $tmpfile
   64 	ROOT=`cat $tmpfile`
   65 	if [ -d "$ROOT" ]; then
   66 	    if [ "$ACTION" = "INSTALL" ] || [ -f "$ROOT/var/lib/pkg/db" ]; then
   67 		break
   68 	    fi
   69 	    do_dialog --aspect 50 --msgbox "Directory does not look like a CRUX root directory. Try again." 0 0
   70 	else
   71 	    do_dialog --aspect 50 --msgbox "Directory not found. Try again." 0 0
   72 	fi
   73     done
   74 }
   76 select_collections() {
   77 	if [ "$ACTION" != "INSTALL" ]; then
   78 		return 0
   79 	fi
   80 	if [ ! -d core ] || [ ! -d opt ] || [ ! -d xorg ] || [ ! -d kernel ]; then
   81 		do_dialog --aspect 50 --msgbox "Package directories (core, opt, xorg or kernel) were not found in $crux_dir. Aborting." 0 0
   82 		exit 1
   83 	fi
   84 	TITLE="Select collections to install:\n(detailed package selection will follow)"
   85 	do_select --separate-output --checklist "$TITLE" 13 60 6 \
   86 		core "The core packages (required)" ON \
   87 		opt "Optional packages" OFF \
   88 		xorg " packages" OFF 2> $collfile
   89 }
   91 ask_detailed() {
   92 	if [ "$ACTION" != "INSTALL" ]; then
   93 		return 0
   94 	fi
   95 	do_dialog --aspect 50 --defaultno --yesno "Do you want the chance to select packages individually?" 0 0 && DO_DETAILED="yes"
   96 }
   98 select_packages() {
   99 	if [ ! -d core ] || [ ! -d opt ] || [ ! -d xorg ] || [ ! -d kernel ]; then
  100 		do_dialog --aspect 50 --msgbox "Package directories (core, opt, xorg, and kernel) were not found in $crux_dir. Aborting." 0 0
  101 		exit 1
  102 	fi
  103 	if [ "$ACTION" = "INSTALL" ]; then
  104 		if [ "$DO_DETAILED" = "yes" ]; then
  105 			for collection in core opt xorg; do
  106 				presel=`grep $collection $collfile`
  107 				if [ "$presel" == "$collection" ]; then
  108 					checked=ON
  109 				else
  110 					checked=OFF
  111 				fi
  112 				do_dialog --aspect 50 --infobox "Searching for packages, please wait..." 0 0
  113 				TITLE="Select $collection packages to install:"
  114 				PKG_LIST=`find $collection \( -name '*.pkg.tar.gz' -o -name '*.pkg.tar.bz2' -o -name '*.pkg.tar.xz' \) -printf "%f ($collection) $checked\n" | sed 's/.pkg.tar.[^ ]*//g' | sort | xargs echo ' '`
  115 				do_select --separate-output --checklist "$TITLE" 19 60 12 $PKG_LIST 2>> $pkgfile
  116 			done
  117 		else # no detailed selection
  118 			for collection in core opt xorg; do
  119 				presel=`grep $collection $collfile`
  120 				if [ "$presel" == "$collection" ]; then
  121 					find $collection \( -name '*.pkg.tar.gz' -o -name '*.pkg.tar.bz2' -o -name '*.pkg.tar.xz' \) -printf "%f\n" | sed 's/.pkg.tar.*//g' | sort >> $pkgfile
  122 				fi
  123 			done
  124 		fi
  125 	else
  126 		# Upgrade
  127 		do_dialog --aspect 50 --infobox "Searching for packages, please wait..." 0 0
  128 		TITLE="Select packages to upgrade:"
  129 		INSTALLED_PACKAGES=`pkginfo -r $ROOT -i | gawk '{ print $1; }'`
  130 		for package in $INSTALLED_PACKAGES; do
  131 			CORE_LIST="$CORE_LIST `find core \( -name \"${package}#*.pkg.tar.gz\" -o -name \"${package}#*.pkg.tar.bz2\" -o -name \"${package}#*.pkg.tar.xz\" \) -printf '%f (core) ON\n' | sed 's/.pkg.tar.[^ ]*/ /g' | sort | xargs echo ' '`"
  132 			OPT_LIST="$OPT_LIST `find opt \( -name \"${package}#*.pkg.tar.gz\" -o -name \"${package}#*.pkg.tar.bz2\" -o -name \"${package}#*.pkg.tar.xz\" \) -printf '%f (opt) ON\n' | sed 's/.pkg.tar.[^ ]*/ /g' | sort | xargs echo ' '`"
  133 			XORG_LIST="$XORG_LIST `find xorg \( -name \"${package}#*.pkg.tar.gz\" -o -name \"${package}#*.pkg.tar.bz2\" -o -name \"${package}#*.pkg.tar.xz\" \) -printf '%f (xorg) ON\n' | sed 's/.pkg.tar.[^ ]*/ /g' | sort | xargs echo ' '`"
  134 		done
  135 		do_select --separate-output --checklist "$TITLE" 19 60 12 $CORE_LIST $OPT_LIST $XORG_LIST 2> $pkgfile
  136 	fi
  137 }
  139 check_dependencies() {
  140 	if [ "$ACTION" != "INSTALL" ]; then
  141 		return 0
  142 	fi
  143 	do_dialog --aspect 50 --infobox "Checking dependencies, please wait..." 0 0
  144 	get_missing_deps
  145 	if [ -n "$MISSING_DEPS" ]; then
  146 		for package in $MISSING_DEPS; do
  147 		    MISSING_LIST="$MISSING_LIST `find . \( -name \"${package}#*.pkg.tar.gz\" -o -name \"${package}#*.pkg.tar.bz2\" -o -name \"${package}#*.pkg.tar.xz\" \) -printf '%f %p ON\n' | sed 's/.pkg.tar.[^ ]*/ /g' | sed 's|./|(|;s|/.* O|) O|' | sort | xargs echo ' '`"
  148 		done
  149 		TITLE="The following packages are needed by the ones you selected"
  150 		do_select --separate-output --checklist "$TITLE" 19 60 12 $MISSING_LIST 2>> $pkgfile
  151 	fi
  152 }
  154 get_missing_deps() {
  155 	needed=""
  156 	toinstall=`sed 's/\#.*//g' $pkgfile`
  157 	for f in $toinstall; do
  158 		pdeps=`grep "^$f\:" $depsfile|sed "s|^$f: ||g"`
  159 		for d in $pdeps; do
  160 			needed="$needed $d"
  161 		done
  162 	done
  163 	sed 's/\#.*//g' $pkgfile|sort -u > $markedfile
  164 	echo $needed|tr ' ' '\n'|sort -u > $neededfile
  165 	MISSING_DEPS=`comm -1 -3 $markedfile $neededfile`
  166 }
  168 confirm() {
  169 	if [ "$ACTION" = "INSTALL" ]; then
  170 		# Install
  171 		do_select --aspect 25 --yesno "Selected packages will now be installed. Are you sure you want to continue?" 0 0
  172 	else
  173 		# Upgrade
  174 		do_select --aspect 25 --yesno "Selected packages will now be upgraded. Are you sure you want to continue?" 0 0
  175 	fi
  176 }
  178 progressbar() {
  179     echo "XXX"
  180     expr $COUNT '*' 100 / $TOTAL
  181     echo "\n$*"
  182     echo "XXX"
  183     let $((COUNT+=1))
  184 }
  186 install_packages() {
  187     if [ ! -d $ROOT/var/lib/pkg ]; then
  188 	mkdir -p $ROOT/var/lib/pkg
  189 	touch $ROOT/var/lib/pkg/db
  190     fi
  192     if [ -d $ROOT/var/lib/pkg/rejected ]; then
  193 	rm -rf $ROOT/var/lib/pkg/rejected
  194     fi
  196     if [ "$ACTION" = "INSTALL" ]; then
  197 	PKGARGS=""
  198     else
  199 	# We use -f here since we want to avoid pkgadd conflicts.
  200 	# Unwanted/Unexpected conflicts could arise if files are
  201 	# moved from one package to another, or if the user added
  202 	# the files himself. Instead of failing the whole upgrade
  203 	# we force the upgrade. This should be fairly safe and it
  204 	# will probably help to avoid some "semi-bogus" errors from
  205 	# pkgadd. The rules in /etc/pkgadd.conf will still be used.
  206 	PKGARGS="-f -u"
  207     fi
  209     (
  210         # Log header
  211 	echo "Log  ($logfile)" > $logfile
  212 	echo "----------------------------------------------------------" >> $logfile
  214         # Install packages
  215 	KERNEL=./kernel/linux-*.tar.xz
  216 	KERNEL_VERSION=`basename $KERNEL .tar.xz | sed "s/linux-//"`
  217 	TOTAL=`cat $pkgfile | wc -l`
  218 	let $((TOTAL+=1))
  219 	let $((COUNT=0))
  220 	let $((ERRORS=0))
  221 	for FILE in `cat $pkgfile`; do
  222 	    progressbar "Installing $FILE..."
  223 	    echo -n "Installing $FILE....." >> $logfile
  224 	    PKG_FILE=`find . \( -name "$FILE.pkg.tar.gz" -o -name "$FILE.pkg.tar.bz2" -o -name "$FILE.pkg.tar.xz" \)`
  225 	    pkgadd -r $ROOT $PKGARGS $PKG_FILE > $tmpfile 2>&1
  226 	    if [ $? = 0 ]; then
  227 		echo "OK" >> $logfile
  228 	    else
  229 		let $((ERRORS+=1))
  230 		echo "ERROR" >> $logfile
  231 		echo "" >> $logfile
  232 		cat $tmpfile >> $logfile
  233 		echo "" >> $logfile
  234 	    fi
  235 	done
  237 	# Install kernel
  238 	if [ ! -d $ROOT/usr/src/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION ]; then
  239 	    progressbar "Installing `basename $KERNEL .tar.xz`..."
  240 	    echo -n "Installing `basename $KERNEL .tar.xz`....." >> $logfile
  241 	    (
  242 		set -e
  243 		tar -C $ROOT/usr/src -xJf $KERNEL
  244 		cp -f ./kernel/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION.defconfig $ROOT/usr/src/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION/.config
  245 		chown -R root.root $ROOT/usr/src/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION
  246 		chmod -R go-w $ROOT/usr/src/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION
  247 		shopt -s nullglob
  248 		# modified to be filename-agnostic
  249 		#for patch in ./kernel/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION-*.patch; do
  250 		for patch in ./kernel/*patch; do
  251 		    patch -s -d $ROOT/usr/src/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION -p1 < $patch
  252 			cp $patch $ROOT/usr/src/
  253 		done
  254 		if [ ! -d $ROOT/lib/modules/$KERNEL_VERSION ]; then
  255 		    mkdir -p $ROOT/lib/modules/$KERNEL_VERSION
  256 		    depmod -b $ROOT -a $KERNEL_VERSION
  257 		fi
  258 	    ) > $tmpfile 2>&1
  259 	    if [ $? = 0 ]; then
  260 		echo "OK" >> $logfile
  261 	    else
  262 		let $((ERRORS+=1))
  263 		echo "ERROR" >> $logfile
  264 		echo "" >> $logfile
  265 		cat $tmpfile >> $logfile
  266 		echo "" >> $logfile
  267 	    fi
  268 	else
  269 	    echo "Directory $ROOT/usr/src/linux-$KERNEL_VERSION already exists." >> $logfile
  270 	    echo "Assuming linux-$KERNEL_VERSION is already installed." >> $logfile
  271 	fi
  273         # Log footer
  274 	echo "----------------------------------------------------------" >> $logfile
  275 	echo "$ERRORS error(s) found" >> $logfile
  277 	cat $logfile > $tmpfile
  279 	echo "" > $logfile
  280 	if [ "$ERRORS" = "0" ]; then
  281 	    echo "$ACTION COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY!" >> $logfile
  282 	else
  283 	    echo "$ACTION FAILED!" >> $logfile
  284 	fi
  285 	echo "" >> $logfile
  286 	echo "" >> $logfile
  287 	cat $tmpfile >> $logfile
  289     ) | do_dialog --title " Please wait " --gauge "" 8 60 0
  291     # Show log
  292     do_dialog --exit-label "OK" --textbox $logfile 19 68
  293 }
  295 main() {
  296 	welcome
  297 	select_action
  298 	select_root
  299 	select_collections
  300 	ask_detailed
  301 	select_packages
  302 	check_dependencies
  303 	confirm
  304 	if [ "$ACTION" = "UPGRADE" ] && [ -f /usr/bin/setup-helper ]
  305 	then
  306 		(/usr/bin/setup-helper $ROOT &> $helperlogfile) | do_dialog \
  307 			--title " Please wait [2.8 -> 3.0 check]" --gauge "" 8 60 0
  308 	fi
  309     install_packages
  311 	cat $helperlogfile 2> /dev/null
  312 }
  314 tmpfile=/tmp/tmp.$$
  315 collfile=/tmp/collections.$$
  316 pkgfile=/tmp/packages.$$
  317 logfile=/tmp/log.$$
  318 helperlogfile=/tmp/log-helper.$$
  319 neededfile=/tmp/needed.$$
  320 markedfile=/tmp/marked.$$
  322 grep -q "prefix=*" /proc/cmdline
  323 if [ $? -eq 0 ]
  324 then
  325 	for opt in `cat /proc/cmdline`
  326 	do
  327 		echo $opt | grep -q "prefix="
  328 		if [ $? -eq 0 ]
  329 		then
  330 			p=`echo $opt | cut -d= -f2`
  331 			crux_dir=/media/${p}/crux
  332 		fi
  333 	done
  334 else
  335 	crux_dir=/media/crux
  336 fi
  338 # Detailed selection of packages
  339 DO_DETAILED="no"
  342 trap "rm -f $tmpfile $pkgfile $collfile $neededfile $markedfile" 0 1 2 5 15
  344 if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
  345 	crux_dir=$1
  346 fi
  348 depsfile=$crux_dir/setup.dependencies
  350 if [ -d $crux_dir ]; then
  351 	cd $crux_dir
  352 else
  353 	do_dialog --aspect 50 --msgbox "Directory $crux_dir not found. Aborting." 0 0
  354 	exit 1
  355 fi
  357 main
  359 # End of file

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