.\" man page for httpup-repgen .\" Johannes Winkelmann, jw@tks6.net .\" .\" .PU .TH "httpup-repgen" "8" "" "" "" .SH "NAME" .LP httpup-repgen \- generate an repository for httpup .SH "SYNOPSIS" .B httpup-repgen [target] .br .SH "DESCRIPTION" httpup-repgen creates a repository for httpup. It reads the .B ~/.httpup-repgen-ignore and .B ./.httpup-repgen-ignore ignore certain patterns of files. This file will be used in a 'grep -v -f' command. Check the man page of grep(1) if you're uncertain how to use it. .LP httpup-repgen again requires the .B md5sum utility in order to generate a repository index. The more, a web server is needed to publish the collection. Possible problems can arise when publishing files which are executable: some webservers will refuse to serve them. .SH "COMMANDS" .TP .B httpup-repgen [target directory] create a repository index file, either for the .B target directory specified or the current working directory if called without additional arguments The repository will be relative to the target directory .SH "EXAMPLES" .TP .B httpup-repgen /home/www/ports/tks6 create a repository relative the the path mentioned .TP .B $ echo '\\\\.tar\\\\.gz$' > ~/.httpup-repgen-ignore .TP .B $ httpup-repgen /home/www/ports/tks6 create a repository ignoring files matching *.tar.gz .SH "AUTHORS" Johannes Winkelmann .SH "SEE ALSO" md5sum(1) grep(1)