.\" man page for httpup .\" Johannes Winkelmann, jw@tks6.net .\" .\" .PU .TH "httpup" "8" "" "" "" .SH "NAME" .LP httpup \- an md5sum based one way synchronisation tool for http file repositories .SH "SYNOPSIS" .B httpup URL target .SH "DESCRIPTION" httpup performs a one way synchronisation of files published over http. It is meant for data which is one changed in one place but used in different other places, for example a ports system. It does only update the files which are changed (md5sum like). .SH "COMMANDS" .TP .B httpup sync synchronize the local .B target directory with URL .TP .B httpup copy copy the URL to .B target directory .TP .B httpup list List files under httpup's control .SH OPTIONS .B --verify-md5, -m: Verify the md5sum of downloaded files .B --repofile=, -r : Alternative name for the remote REPO file .B --encode, -e: URL encode filenames .SH "CONFIGURATION" In order to specify proxy server and proxy authentication information, httpup looks at /etc/httpup.conf which can contain the following four keys: proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_user and proxy_pass. Example: .IP .nf proxy_host http://proxy.domain.net proxy_port 8080 proxy_user joe proxy_pass very_secret .i .IP .SH "EXAMPLES" .TP .B httpup sync http://myhost/ports/tks6 /usr/ports/tks6 Synchronize local copy in /usr/ports/tks6 with the one on .B myhost .SH "AUTHORS" Johannes Winkelmann