//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILE: httpupargparser.cpp // AUTHOR: Johannes Winkelmann, jw@tks6.net // COPYRIGHT: (c) 2005 by Johannes Winkelmann // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "httpupargparser.h" ArgParser::APCmd HttpupArgparser::CMD_SYNC; ArgParser::APCmd HttpupArgparser::CMD_COPY; ArgParser::APCmd HttpupArgparser::CMD_LIST; ArgParser::APOpt HttpupArgparser::OPT_REPOFILE; ArgParser::APOpt HttpupArgparser::OPT_ENCODE; ArgParser::APOpt HttpupArgparser::OPT_VERIFY_MD5; HttpupArgparser::HttpupArgparser() { // - sync addCommand(CMD_SYNC, "sync", "syncronize local copy with remote repository", ArgParser::MAX, 2, "[url] [target dir]"); OPT_REPOFILE.init("repofile", 'r', "alternative name for REPO file", true, "NAME"); OPT_ENCODE.init("encode", 'e', "encode special chars in URL"); OPT_VERIFY_MD5.init("verify-md5", 'm', "verify md5sum of downloaded files"); addOption(CMD_SYNC, OPT_REPOFILE, false); addOption(CMD_SYNC, OPT_ENCODE, false); addOption(CMD_SYNC, OPT_VERIFY_MD5, false); // - copy addCommand(CMD_COPY, "copy", "copy a remote repository to a local directory", ArgParser::EQ, 2, " "); addOption(CMD_COPY, OPT_REPOFILE, false); addOption(CMD_COPY, OPT_ENCODE, false); addOption(CMD_SYNC, OPT_VERIFY_MD5, false); // - list addCommand(CMD_LIST, "list", "list files in which are controlled by httpup", ArgParser::MAX, 1, ""); addOption(CMD_LIST, OPT_REPOFILE, false); }