path: root/doc/pkg-get.8.txt
blob: aee645afb963a8fbaa7e11040f7eaa483a673305 (plain)
    1 NAME
    2   pkg-get - a package management tool for CRUX Linux
    5   pkg-get command <arguments> [options] 
    8   pkg-get is a simple package management tool for CRUX Linux.
    9   It tries to replicate some of the most useful features of the
   10   port management tool prt-get(8) to be used with binary packages.
   11   pkg-get requires a remote or local package repository that
   12   can be generated by repository maintainers with the
   13   pkg-repgen(8) script.
   16   install <package1> [<package2>..<packageN>]  Install given packages,
   17   download if necessary.
   18   update <package1> [<package2>..<packageN>]  Update given packages,
   19   download if necessary.
   20   diff  Show a list of outdated packages.
   21   quickdiff  Show a compact list of outdated packages.
   22   sysup  Update all outdated packages. Download if necessary.
   23   depinst <package1> [<package2>..<packageN>]  Install given packages
   24   and relative dependencies.
   25   depends <package>  Show a recursive list of dependencies for package
   26   and their installation status.
   27   dependent <package> [--all]  Show installed (or all with the --all option) packages
   28   that depend from package.
   29   quickdep <package>  Show a brief list of dependencies for package.
   30   info <package>  Show information about package.
   31   current <package>  Show currently installed version of package.
   32   path <package>  Show local path of package.
   33   readme <package>  Print README information (if available) for the package.
   34   list  List all packages in the repository.
   35   listinst  List all installed packages.
   36   isinst <package>  Display whether a package is installed.
   37   dsearch <string>  Search for packages which name or description contain <string>.
   38   search <string>  Search for packages which name contains <string>.
   39   dup  List all duplicates ports (present in more than one repository).
   40   printf <format string1> [--filter=<filter>]  Description blatantly
   41   stolen from prt-get man file. Print formatted port list. Format string can
   42   contain variables, which are replaced like this:
   43     - %n -> name
   44     - %p -> path
   45     - %v -> version
   46     - %r -> release
   47     - %d -> description
   48     - %e -> dependencies
   49     - %u -> url
   50     - %R -> Readme ("yes"/"no")
   51     - %E -> pre-install script ("yes"/"no")
   52     - %O -> post-install script ("yes"/"no")
   53     - %M -> "Nobody". for compatibility with prt-get
   54     - %P -> "Nobody". for compatibility with prt-get
   55     - %l -> is locked ("yes"/"no")
   56     - %i -> "no" if not installed, "yes" if it's installed and up to
   57              date and "diff" if it's installed and a new version is in the
   58              repository.
   60   Use "\\n" and "\\t" to format your output (no additional format
   61   specified suported). The optional format string2 can contain the
   62   same variables as format string1 and is used to sort the output.
   63   You can specify a wildcard filter to filter by package name.
   65   lock <package1> [<package2>..<packageN>]  Lock a package (ignore updates).
   66   unlock <package1> [<package2>..<packageN>]  Unlock a package.
   67   listlocked  Display a list of locked packages.
   68   sync  Syncronize local packages with the ones from the remote repository.
   69   If the repository is local, this command does nothing.
   70   sysup  Update all outdated packages.
   71   help  Display  brief help screen.
   72   version  Show pkg-get version.
   75    -r <root>  Use <root> directory when wrapping pkgadd. Note that
   76       this only works with update / install !
   77    -do  Download only. Applicable to: sysup, depinst, install, update.
   78    -f  Force installing / upgrading. This is passed to pkgadd(8).
   79    -im  Ignore md5sum mismatches.
   80    --aargs="arguments"  pass the specified arguments to pkgadd(8).
   81    --config=/path/to/file  Use the specified configuration file.
   82    --pre-install  executes pre-install script if available.
   83    --post-install  executes post-install script if available.
   84    --install-scripts  executes pre-install and post-install
   85    scripts if available.
   89   Configuration is handled by the /etc/pkg-get.conf file,
   90   options are explained in the file itself.
   93   pkg-get install sqlite pysqlite  Install sqlite and pysqlite.
   94   pkg-get depinst kdebase -f  Install kdebase and all its dependencies, forcing upgrade.
   95   pkg-get sysup -do  Download new releases of all the outdated packages.
   98  Simone Rota <>
  100 SEE ALSO
  101   pkgadd(8), prt-get(8)

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