." Text automatically generated by txt2man-1.4.7 .TH portspage 1 "April 23, 2006" "" "" .SH NAME \fBportspage \fP- generate html listing for a port directory \fB .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .fam C \fBportspage\fP [\fIOPTION\fP] [\fIDIRECTORY\fP] .fam T .fi .SH DESCRIPTION Portspage generates a html index for a directory containing ports. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \fB--title\fP=TITLE set the page title .TP .B \fB--header\fP=FILE name of file to insert before port listing .TP .B \fB--footer\fP=FILE name of file to insert after port listing .TP .B \fB--timestamp-accuracy\fP=LEVEL 0 = no timestamp, 1 = date only, 2 = date and time (default is 1) .TP .B \fB--date-from-file\fP take date from newest file instead of directory .TP .B \fB--date-from-pkgfile\fP take date from Pkgfile instead of directory .TP .B \fB--version\fP output version information and exit .SH EXAMPLES \fBportspage\fP \fB--header\fP=/path/to/portspage.header /usr/ports/mine > /usr/ports/mine/index.html .SH AUTHORS Jukka Heino .SH SEE ALSO \fBports\fP(8)