.\" .\" prtcheck manual page. .\" (C) 2003 by Martin Opel .\" .TH prtcheck 1 .SH NAME prtcheck \- check the port in the current directory .SH SYNOPSIS .PP .B prtcheck [ \-\-root ] .SH DESCRIPTION The \fIprtcheck\fP script checks the following things: existance of Pkgfile, .footprint and .md5sum. It warns, if non-root users are found in the \.footprint and the Pkgfile is checked for the existence of the fields Description, URL, Packager and a "Depends on" line. If something misses for a correct port, \fIprtcheck\fP exits with 1. .SH OPTIONS The following options are supported: .TP .I "\--root" This option allows you to create ports as a normal user, which helps you to find buggy Makefiles of source code packages, which try to install directly in /usr/local or ignore DESTDIR variables. The result is a .footprint with uid/gid entries with the uid/gid of the user, who called \fIpkgmk\fP. \fIprtcheck\fP warns, if it finds such uid/gid entries, the --root option replaces them with root/root. .PP .SH AUTHOR \fIprtcheck\fP was written by Martin Opel for CRUX Linux.