.\" .\" prtsweep manual page. .\" (C) 2e003 by Martin Opel .\" .TH prtsweep 1 .SH NAME prtsweep \- sweep old files from the ports directories .SH SYNOPSIS .PP .B prtsweep [\-a] [\-d] [\-n] [PORTDIR ...] .SH DESCRIPTION The \fIprtsweep\fP program sweeps port directories from unneeded files. Unneeded files are either files which are not part of the source array in the Pkgfile or package files with a name like .PP .nf name#version.pkg.tar.gz .fi .PP All other files are removed. If a port directory is empty, the whole directory can be removed with the \fI\-d\fP option. .SH OPTIONS The following options are supported: .TP .I "\-a" This is the automatic mode. In this mode \fIprtsweep\fP reads the ports directories from the rsync and httpup files in /etc/ports and cleans all ports in these directories. .TP .I "\-d" Removes empty directories completely. This happens when ports are moved for example from unstable to stable or vice versa. Note that this option only deletes empty directories, so accidently removing whole directory trees should not happen, even if you use .IP .nf prtsweep \-d / .fi .IP To remove these moved ports completely you have to run \fIprtsweep\fP twice to first remove the files and second remove the empty directory. .TP .I "\-n" Dryrun. Do not remove anything really. .SH EXAMPLES You can call \fIprtsweep\fP with one port: .PP .nf root@hostname:/root # prtsweep /usr/ports/opt/dialog =======> /usr/ports/opt/dialog + removing file dialog-0.9b-20020814.tgz .fi .PP Or you could call the automatic mode, which scans your supfiles in /etc/ports for all ports directories and cleans them automatically: .PP .nf root@hostname:/root # prtsweep -a =======> /usr/ports/clc/stable/atop + removing file atop-1.8.tar.gz =======> /usr/ports/clc/stable/coldsync + removing file coldsync-2.2.5-gcc3.diff + removing file coldsync-2.2.5.tar.gz =======> /usr/ports/clc/stable/dnsmasq + removing file dnsmasq-1.10.tar.gz ... .fi .SH AUTHOR Martin Opel .SH "SEE ALSO" prtwash(1)