path: root/dllist
blob: 4c4a0400638c57ecfca03c12b88bfd62c1ae5181 (plain)
    1 #!/bin/bash
    2 #
    3 # Print a list of files to download, formatted in one of three ways:
    4 # - the files required to install a specified package
    5 # - the files required to install a package and all its dependencies
    6 #     (even dependencies that are already present on the system)
    7 # - all files required to update your system
    8 #
    9 # version 1.0 by Johannes Winkelmann, updated 2021-06 by John McQuah
   11 version=1.1
   13 args=()
   14 for a in $@; do
   15     if [ $a == "--all" ]; then
   16 	ALL="yes"
   17     elif [ $a == "--diff" ]; then
   18 	DIFF="yes"
   19     else
   20 	args=(${args[*]} $a)
   21     fi
   22 done
   24 if [ "$args" = "" ] && [ ! "$DIFF" = "yes" ]; then
   25     echo "Usage: `basename $0`        <port1> [<port2> ...]"
   26     echo "       `basename $0` --all  <port1> [<port2> ...]"
   27     echo "       `basename $0` --diff"
   28     exit -1
   29 fi
   33 if [ "$DIFF" = "yes" ]; then
   34     list=(`prt-get quickdiff`)
   35 elif [ "$ALL" = "yes" ]; then
   36     list=(`prt-get quickdep ${args[*]}`)
   37 else
   38     wlist=(${args[*]} `prt-get depends ${args[*]} | grep "\[ "|awk '{print $3}'`)
   39     list=(`echo "${wlist[*]}" | sort | uniq`)
   40 fi
   42 SRCGLOB=$(grep PKGMK_SOURCE_DIR /etc/pkgmk.conf | sed 's/^\s*#// ; s/.*=//; s/\"//g')
   44 for l in ${list[*]}; do
   45     PORTDIR=`prt-get path $l`
   46     . $PORTDIR/Pkgfile
   47     SAVELOC=`eval printf '%s' "$SRCGLOB"`
   48     for (( p=0; p<${#source[@]}; p++ )) ; do
   49 	if [[ ${source[$p]} =~ ^(http|ftp|https): ]]; then
   50 		if [ -n "${renames[$p]}" -a "${renames[$p]}" != "SKIP" ]; then
   51 			FILE=${renames[$p]}
   52 		else
   53 			FILE=$(echo "${source[$p]}" | sed 's,.*/,,')
   54 		fi
   55 		[ -e ${SAVELOC:-$PORTDIR}/$FILE ] || echo ${source[$p]}
   56 	fi
   57     done
   58 done

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