path: root/prtreverse.1
blob: e1b1fc1cd1cf7d2e949514d1f2c84be7987ed448 (plain)
    1 ." Text automatically generated by txt2man-1.4.7
    2 .TH prtreverse  "May 01, 2003" "" ""
    3 .SH NAME
    4 \fBprtreverse \fP- create a CRUX package from files already installed on the system
    6 .nf
    7 .fam C
    8 \fBprtreverse\fP [-r] [-k] [-o] [-p] <portpath>
    9 .fam T
   10 .fi
   12 \fBprtreverse\fP will build a CRUX package without recompilation, providing the
   13 package in question is already installed on the machine.
   14 The script will read the file list from .footprint file and create a 
   15 package from corresponding files located on the hard disk.
   16 The created package will be saved in the port directory.
   17 .PP
   18 If a file listed in .footprint is not found, the execution stops with
   19 an error.
   20 .PP
   21 Owner/group and permissions are automatically adjusted to respect the list
   22 contained in .footprint. See OPTIONS if you need to change this 
   23 behaviour.
   24 .PP
   25 If the corresponding package already exists, the script
   26 will not overwrite the file.
   28 .TP
   29 .B
   30 -r
   31 Uses files from /var/lib/pkg/rejected, when available.
   32 .TP
   33 .B
   34 -k
   35 Keep working directory <path>/reverse.
   36 .TP
   37 .B
   38 -o
   39 Do NOT adjust owner/group.
   40 .TP
   41 .B
   42 -p
   43 Do NOT adjust permissions.
   44 .TP
   45 .B
   46 -f
   47 Force creation of the package (overwrite existing package).
   49 \fBprtreverse\fP -r /usr/ports/base/sendmail
   50 .PP
   51 Will build the sendmail package, using rejected files.
   52 .SH SEE ALSO
   53 \fBpkgmk\fP(8)
   54 .SH AUTHOR
   55 Simone Rota <>
   56 .SS  
   57 .SS  

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