1 <?php
2 require_once('DB.php');
3 $limit = 10;
4 if (isset($_GET['limit'])) {
5 $limit = intval($_GET['limit']);
6 }
8 $dsn = 'sqlite:////home/crux/public_html/local/timeline.db';
9 $db =& DB::connect($dsn);
10 if (DB::isError($db)) die("Cannot connect to database");
11 $db->setFetchMode(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
12 $sql = "select * from events order by event_tstamp desc limit $limit";
13 $res =& $db->Query($sql);
14 if (DB::isError($res)) die("Query error");
16 header ("Content-type: text/xml");
17 $timeline .= '<?xml version="1.0"?>'."\n";
18 $timeline .= '<rss version="2.0"><channel><title>CRUX timeline</title><description>CRUX: timeline (commits, tasks, wiki edits)</description><link>http://crux.nu</link>';
19 while ($evt =& $res->fetchRow()) {
20 $url = $evt['event_url'];
21 $url = str_replace("&","&", $url);
22 # strip diff link
23 $description = preg_replace('/\(\[\[.*\]\]\)/s','', $evt['event_description']);
24 # strip wiki link with url
25 $description = preg_replace('/\[\[(.*)\|(\d+)\]\]/s','$2', $description);
26 # strip users (git)
27 $description = preg_replace('/\[\[~(.*)\|(.*)\]\]/s','$2', $description);
28 # strip wiki link without url
29 $description = preg_replace('/\[\[(\w+)\.(\w+)\]\] /s','$1.$2', $description);
30 # strip wiki user with ~
31 $description = preg_replace('/\[\[~(\w+)\]\] /s','$1', $description);
32 # Compact description for git commits
33 $description = preg_replace('/\[\[http(.*)\|(.*)\]\] committed by/','$2 by', $description);
34 # Compact description for wiki edits
35 $description = str_replace ("Wiki page ","", $description);
37 $notes = "";
38 $titlenotes = "";
39 if ($evt['event_notes'] != "") {
40 $notes = $evt['event_notes'];
41 $titlenotes = ": ".$notes;
42 if (strlen($notes) > 40) {
43 $titlenotes = ": ".substr($notes,0,40)."...";
44 }
45 }
46 $timeline .= "
47 <item>
48 <title>$description$titlenotes</title>
49 <description>$notes</description>
50 <link>$url</link>
51 </item>\n";
52 }
53 $timeline .= "</channel></rss>\n";
54 echo $timeline;
55 ?>