====== README ====== Andbackup is a basic Android application (or package) backup and restore script. It can backup a single application, or a list of applications provided in a text file (one application name per line). It can do the same for application restore. **NOTE**: The andbackup.sh script requires root to run. Usage ===== :: sh andbackup.sh [] [] Example Usage ============= Perform bulk backup from application list in file *apps.txt*:: sh andbackup.sh listbackup apps.txt Backup a single app (K9 mail for this example):: sh andbackup.sh backup com.fsck.k9 Restore a single app (again, K9 mail in this example):: sh andbackup.sh restore com.fsck.k9 Perform bulk restore from application list in file *apps.txt*:: sh andbackup.sh listrestore apps.txt