path: root/luke/
blob: 50ec91d68deb1ca4b55661e6bfbf02443e6d437e (plain)
    1 #!/usr/bin/python
    3 import sys
    4 from shutil import copyfile
    5 import filecmp
    6 import os
    7 import subprocess
    9 def updateFile (status, snortRulesFileName):
   10     print "working with file " + snortRulesFileName
   11     ruleFile = open(snortRulesFileName, 'r')
   12     w = open('output.txt', 'w')
   14     if status.lower() == "enable":
   15         for line in ruleFile:
   16             # Get the first 7 characters
   17             chars = line[:7]
   18             if chars == "# alert":
   19                     line = line[2:] # Remove first two beginning characters
   20             # Write the rule to another file
   21             w.write(line)
   23     if status.lower() == "disable":
   24         for line in ruleFile:
   25             # Add the comment chars
   26             # Get the first five characters of the line
   27             chars = line[:5]
   28             if chars == "alert":
   29                 line = '# ' + line
   30                 # print line
   31             w.write(line)
   32     ruleFile.close()
   33     # Copy the output file to the original file
   34     #copyfile('output.txt', snortRulesFileName)
   35     w.close()
   36     res = subprocess.check_output(["cp", "output.txt", snortRulesFileName])
   37     for line in res.splitlines():
   38         print line
   39     #subprocess.Popen("cp output.txt " + snortRulesFileName)
   40     # Then delete the output file
   41     os.remove('output.txt')
   43 try:
   44     n, status, snortRulesFileName = sys.argv
   45 except ValueError:
   46     print "Description: This script (un)comments rules in Snort rule files.  " \
   47           "Modifying of rule lines starts at line 30, and goes till the end of the rule file.  " \
   48           "Note: To uncomment rules, the rules must start in the following format: \"# \".  " \
   49           "To comment rules, there must not be any text before the rule, nor spaces.\n" \
   50           "Arguments: Status[enable/disable] Name of Rule File"
   51     sys.exit(1)
   53 isaDirectory = os.path.isdir(snortRulesFileName)
   54 isaFile = os.path.isfile(snortRulesFileName)
   56 if(isaDirectory):
   57     print "I notice this is a directory.  Going to recursively modify the files"
   58     files = os.listdir(snortRulesFileName)
   59     for filename in files:
   60 	print "CHecking file: " + "/etc/snort/rules/"+filename
   61         if os.path.isfile("/etc/snort/rules/"+filename):
   62 	    print "this is a file!!!"
   63             updateFile(status, snortRulesFileName + filename) 
   64 else:
   65     print "File detected." + snortRulesFileName
   66     updateFile(status, snortRulesFileName)
   68 # Default input is to generate backup file
   69 user_response = raw_input("Would you first like to make a backup of the snort rules? [Y/n]: ")
   70 while user_response != "y" and user_response != "" and user_response != "n":
   71     user_response = raw_input("Invalid user input.  Please try again.\n"
   72                               "Would you first like to make a backup of the snort rules? [Y/n]: ")
   74 if user_response == "y" or user_response == "":
   75     # Name of the new backup file we are going to generate
   76     backupFilename = snortRulesFileName + ".orig"
   77     # Make a backup of the file with the extension of ".backup"
   78     print "Making backup file..."
   79     # Make a copy of the file
   80     copyfile(snortRulesFileName, backupFilename)
   81     print "Checking if backup file is identical to original..."
   82     # Check to see if identical file matches contents of new backup file before proceeding
   83     result = cmp(snortRulesFileName, backupFilename)
   84     if result:
   85         print "Success!  Continuing..."
   86     else:
   87         print "[!] Failure.  Exiting."
   88         sys.exit(1)
   89 else:
   90     # Don't make a backup of the file
   91     print "OK, don't say I didn't ask! Skipping backup of file"
   94 #modifiedLines = "{:,}".format(modifiedLines)
   95 #print "Script done executing. " + status + " " + str(modifiedLines) + " rules."

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