3 **NOTE**: This project is deprecated in favor of the new
4 [journal-tools](https://oper.io/src/nullspoon/journal-tools.git) project.
5 `journal-tools` is almost fully backwards compatible (the template env var is
6 no longer supported) with `dailyjournal`, so switching is easy.
8 Dailyjournal is a simple application to quickly open notes for the activities
9 of each day. The journal entries are automatically named so they are consistent
10 and predictable. If dailyjournal is run and no entry for the day exists, one is
11 created from the journal template file; if an entry does exist for today, it is
12 reopened for editing.
14 ## Setup
16 To get set up, you will need to copy the journal entry template file from
17 `/usr/share/dailyjournal/template.md` to
18 `~/Documents/dailyjournal/.template.md` (unless you have overridden the default
19 path with the environment variables listed below or unless you want to write
20 your own template from scratch). Update this template file as needed and then
21 run `dailyjournal` to start writing!
23 ## Usage
25 ```
26 dailyjournal [+/-<days>]
27 ```
29 For the most simple usage, type `dailyjournal` to open today's journal.
31 To open yesterday's entry, type `dailyjournal -1`, and to open two days ago
32 type `dailyjournal -2`, etc.
34 Note that when using negative numbers, dailyjournal does not calculate days,
35 rather entries. In other words, `-1` is not one day ago, but one entry ago.
36 This is to make it easier to open previous entries without needing to know how
37 many days back they are.
39 For example, if it is Monday and you want to open Friday's entry, and no
40 entries were made over the weekend, type `dailyjournal -1` and Friday's entry
41 will be opened (1 entry back). Continuing in this scenario, if an entry exists
42 on Thursday, typing `dailyjournal -2` on Monday will open Thursday's entry
43 (again, assuming no weekend entries are present). Friday is one back, Thursday
44 is two back, Wednesday is three back, etc.
46 ## Environment variables
48 * **DAILYJOURNAL_DIR**: Path within which to store daily entries (Default:
49 `~/Documents/dailyjournal`)
50 * **DAILYJOURNAL_TEMPLATE**: Path to the daily journal template file which is
51 copied into place on new entry creation. (Default:
52 `DAILYJOURNAL_DIR/.template.md`)