path: root/src
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11 files changed, 912 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/AdBlock_Only_kind_of_Blocks_Ads.ascii b/src/AdBlock_Only_kind_of_Blocks_Ads.ascii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddaf4e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AdBlock_Only_kind_of_Blocks_Ads.ascii
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+AdBlock Only kind of Blocks Ads
+:author: Aaron Ball
+== {doctitle}
+Today I was toying around with netstat to see what incoming connections I had
+to my Linux box and noticed that for the pages you're on, your browser makes a
+connection to each of the ad's providers linked to on the given page. What's
+best (or worst) about this is the connection isn't broken until you close your
+browser (at least that I noticed).
+I mentioned this to my girlfriend who is a big fan of adblock and she asked (of
+course) if that happened when adblock was running. So, off I went to install
+adblock to test and sure enough, it still made the connections to the ad
+providers' servers. Obviously the ads are hidden, it just still grabs the
+resources for the ads but obscures their html. That means you're still being
+tracked by the ad providers, you just don't see it.
+This isn't necessarily a bad thing. I mean, before adblock they were still
+getting your information. Now it's the same, you're just not seeing animated
+gifs and full screen flash ads all over. I'm not knocking adblock at all (in
+fact, please support them in their worthy cause). I just thought I'd mention
+this for anyone wondering.
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
diff --git a/src/Backing_up_a_Server_Remotely_Using_Minimal_Bandwidth.ascii b/src/Backing_up_a_Server_Remotely_Using_Minimal_Bandwidth.ascii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b1e944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Backing_up_a_Server_Remotely_Using_Minimal_Bandwidth.ascii
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+Backing up a Server Remotely Using Minimal Bandwidth
+:author: Aaron Ball
+The server that runs this website (and a lot of others) also runs a lot of
+other services such as an IRC server, a Jabber server, NGINX (of course), and
+various other things. I like to take a lot of backups, especially since I'm not
+the best person in the area of security. With that, my old way of backing my my
+server was relatively painful. I had a script that tarred and compressed each
+service directory individually and move it to a secure location on my web
+server for download. After download, the script would remove the backup, and
+continue to the next.
+The problem with this method is that it consumes a lot of bandwidth and time.
+By the time I have downloaded everything, I have used up several gigabytes of
+bandwidth. I don't mind so much about the bandwidth though. What's important
+is the time and interraction it takes.
+== Enter the Light Bulb...
+I've been using rsync for some time now to mirror my laptop to my server
+at home. For some reason, it never occurred to me to use rsync with a
+private key to log in to my server and download the deltas to my local
+machine. If I want a single compressed tar file for a backup, all I have
+to do is backup my local server's copy of everything rather than doing
+it on my web server and downloading that. Ending this already too long
+blog post on this simple topic, here's the rsync command I'm using...
+sync -avP --delete --chmod=g+rx --rsh="ssh -p1234 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pdeb.user" /home/server/dir1
+== A Quick Explanation
+* *rsync -avP* uses default rsync settings (-a), specifies verbose mode
+(-v) and sets rsync to display its progress on each individual file as it goes
+* *--delete* option, rsync will delete files on the destination if they
+deleted on the source (this isn't default).
+* *--chmod=g+rx* sets the group settings on the destination to group
+with read and write. This is handy if you want to access the backups from
+another account that doesn't have access on the server too. This switch is not
+* *--rsh="ssh -p1234 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.user"* specifies a custom port to
+connect on (port 1234 in this case) and specifies a private key to use when
+attempting to log in.
+* * /home/server/dir1* is the host (server) to
+connect to along with the user to try (user), the source directory (:/dir) and
+the destination directory (/home/server/dir1).
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
diff --git a/src/Btrfs:Balancing.ascii b/src/Btrfs:Balancing.ascii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5a60b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Btrfs:Balancing.ascii
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+:author: Aaron Ball
+== {doctitle}
+I've been using[Btrfs] on all of my systems for a
+couple of years now. Thus far, it's be surprisingly stable. In those two years
+I only had link:Btrfs:RAID_5_Rsync_Freeze[one real issue]. However, today I ran into
+a new problem. Now that I know what the issue is, it's hardly a problem, but
+hey, semantics.
+For my setup at home, I have a Linux server running all the time which hosts my
+backups. My backups are copied via rsync. For security, my home directories on
+all systems are encrypted block devices using
+[dm-crypt] with a
+[LUKS header]. To force myself to clean up
+my files occasionally, I only give myself some 5 gigs of leeway. If I manage to
+remove for example 10 gigs of files, I reduce the size of the filesystem and
+block device container so I still only have about 2-5 gigs free (depends on
+what I'm doing hobby-wise at the time). This is where my problem with Btrfs
+comes in.
+== The Really (Exciting|Boring) Details
+This section might be super boring for some or most folks because it talks
+about the innards of Btrfs. If you aren't interested, make like a Tatooine
+speeder and move along... move along.
+As more storage is needed for the filesystem, chunks of raw storage are
+consumed by default 1 gigabyte at a time. As the
+page] describes, these chunks are used for file data and/or metadata storage.
+As more files are written to the filesystem, more metadata chunks are required
+to describe the additional files (data to metadata ratios can be specified at
+filesystem creation). By default, a metadata chunk cannot be used for data and
+a data chunk cannot be used for metadata (kind of - there is a mixed mode which
+is tremendously slow on filesystems larger than 1G). On a large storage device
+this is fine, but if you are constantly deleting files like me, you may run
+into the issue I ran into where the available space value is incorrect because
+the various space checking commands check for available _data_ space, not
+taking into account metadata. Because I delete so many files so often, there is
+a lot of metadata storage that is allocated but is no longer used because the
+files that the metadata were describing no longer exist, and thus the metadata
+for those files do not either. Consequently, the metadata chunks are no longer
+fully used (remember, they are allocated 1 G at a time). Due to the fact that
+metadata and data chunks cannot be mixed by default, the underused metadata
+chunks just consume storage from the overall available, reducing the amount of
+available storage for data.
+_*takes a deep breath*_
+== The Solution
+The solution to this issue is called a rebalance (or balance as the btrfs
+subcommand is called). What it will do is rewrite all of the data on the given
+block device, sending it through the allocator algorithm before being rewritten
+to the storage. This will cause the datas' metadata to be reallocated and
+rewritten. What results is your metadata being "restacked", potentially causing
+you to end up with completely empty 1G metadata chunks, thus freeing that
+storage space for data. This isn't a complete analogy, but you can think of
+this a [very] little like a defragment and cleanup process for metadata. Here's
+the command.
+btrfs balance start /path/to/mount
+If you're interested in metrics, run
+btrfs filesystem df /path/to/mount
+before and after you run the balance and compare your metadata values.
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
diff --git a/src/Case_Insensitive_Matching_in_C++.ascii b/src/Case_Insensitive_Matching_in_C++.ascii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35cc1a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Case_Insensitive_Matching_in_C++.ascii
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+Case Insensitive Matching in C++
+:author: Aaron Ball
+== {doctitle}
+I had this epiphany yesterday while working on my new command line
+[note-taking project] and I wanted to
+write a blog post about it since I haven't seen anyone on the internet yet take
+this approach (though there aren't exactly a lot blogs posts on programming
+theory of this of this kind in general).
+My program is written in c+\+. It provides a search functionality very similar
+to the case insensitive matching of _grep -i_ (you 'nix users should know what
+I'm talking about). If you've done much in c+\+, you likely know that string
+parsing is not so easy (or is it just different). Thus the question...__how to
+perform case insensitive text searching in c++__.
+A few notes though before we proceed. I'm fairly new to c\+\+ (about 9 months
+as a hobby) so everything I say here might not be entirely right (it'll work,
+it just might not be the _best_ way). If you catch something that's wrong or
+could use improvement, please send me User:Nullspoon[ an email] or leave a
+comment on the link:{{TALKPAGENAME}}[ talk page]. Secondly, since this is
+probably something the c++ gods have already mastered, I will be writing this
+post aimed at the newer folk (since I myself am one), so bear with me if you
+already know how to do this. One final note. I am still ceaselessly amazed at
+how computers work, so I get fairly giddy when it comes to actual memory
+management and whatnot. Brace yourselves...
+== Chars == Ints (kind of)
+To continue, we need to understand a few things about base data types in
+* **Ints**: An int is just 8 bits of memory (well, it's 16 including
+signing, but we don't need to cover that here).
+* **Chars**: Chars are just ints, but marked as chars. Effectively, a
+number has been assigned to each letter and symbol (including uppercase and
+lowercase), which is where integers meet chars. The integer determines which
+char is selected.
+To demonstrate those two data types, let's take a look at some sample
+using namespace std;
+#include <iostream>
+int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
+ int i = 72;
+ char c = i;
+ cout << "The integer " << i;
+ cout << " is the same as char " << c << "!" << endl;
+ return 0;
+What we do here is create <code>int i</code> with the value of 72. We
+then create <code>char c</code> and assign it the value of _i_ (still
+72). Finally, we print both int i and char c and get...
+The integer 72 is the same as char H!
+If you're wondering, we could have also just assigned char c the value
+of 72 explicitly and it would have still printed the letter H.
+Now that that's out of the way...
+== A Short Char - Integer List
+* **! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /**: 35 - 47
+* **0-9**: 48 - 57
+* **: ; < = > ? @**: 58 - 64
+* *A - Z* (uppercase): 65 - 90
+* **[ \ ] ^ _ `**: 91 - 96
+* *a - z* (lowercase): 97 - 122
+== Lowercase == Uppercase + 32
+You may have noticed an interesting fact about the numbers assigned to
+characters in [English] computing: uppercase and lowercase letters don't have
+the same integers.
+These character integer range seperations are key to performing a
+case-insensitive string search in c\+\+. What they mean is, if you happen upon
+the letter **a**, which is integer 97, then you know that its capital
+equivalent is going to be 32 lower (int 65). Suddenly parsing text just got a
+lot easier.
+== Piecing it all together
+Since characters are simply just integers, we can perform text matching via
+number ranges and math operators. For instance...
+Suppose you want to build a password validator that allows numbers, upper case,
+lower case, and __: ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ `__. That is the integer range 48 -
+57 (the char equivelants of integers), 58 - 64 (the first symbols), 65 - 90
+(the uppercase), 91 - 96 (the second set of symbols), and 97-122 (the
+lowercase). Combining those ranges, the allowable characters make up the
+integer range of 48 - 122. Thus, our program might look something like...
+using namespace std;
+#include <iostream>
+int validate_pass( const char* pass ) {
+ long i = 0;
+ while( pass[i] ) {
+ if( pass[i] < 48 || pass[i] > 122 ) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ return 1;
+int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
+ // The first password that meets the requirements
+ const char* pass = "good_password123";
+ cout << pass;
+ if( validate_pass( pass ) ) {
+ cout << " is valid." << endl;
+ } else {
+ cout << " is not valid." << endl;
+ }
+ // The second password fails because ! is int 35, which is out of range
+ const char* pass2 = "bad_password!";
+ cout << pass2;
+ if( validate_pass( pass2 ) ) {
+ cout << " is valid." << endl;
+ } else {
+ cout << " is not valid." << endl;
+ }
+ return 0;
+Will output...
+good_password123 is valid.
+bad_password! is not valid.
+The first password succeeds because all of its characters are within the range
+of 48 - 122. The second password fails because its final character, the "!", is
+int 35, which is outside of the allowable character range of 48 - 122. That
+brings a whole new meaning to the out_of_range exception, doesn't it?
+That's just one simple example of how this could work. One personal note,
+please don't put that restraint of > 48 on your users if you write a validator
+script. Not having access to the more common symbols is a nightmare for users.
+If you would like to see another example, the one I wrote for case insensitive
+matchings in my note program can be found at
+ in the
+*note::line_matches* method.
+Hopefully this is useful for someone besides myself. Either way though, I'm
+still super excited about the ease of making real-life data programatically
+usable through conversion to integers. It makes me want to see what other
+real-life data I can convert to numbers for easier parsing. Images? Chemistry
+I do say my good man,[Why, then the
+world’s mine oyster, Which I with numbers will open.] (okay, I may have
+modified the quote a tad)
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
diff --git a/src/Digraphs.ascii b/src/Digraphs.ascii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a3d116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Digraphs.ascii
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+:author: Aaron Ball
+Wikipedia defines digraphs (and trigraphs) as
+[quote, Wikipedia, '[Digraphs and trigraphs]']
+sequences of two and three characters
+respectively, appearing in source code, which a programming language
+specification requires an implementation of that language to treat as if they
+were one other character.
+If you've spent much time in Unix, you have likely seen their character
+representations on a rare occasion. Usually they begin with a ^ followed by
+some key code. Note though that I said "spent much time in _Unix_ though. This
+is because Linux doesn't _usually_ (with some exceptions) have problems with
+digraphs. When I say Unix though, I am referring to the really old ones that
+claim to be up-to-date like AIX, Solaris, and HPUX.
+== What do digraphs have to do with old Unix?
+Digraphs are actually used every time you use a Unix/Linux box from the
+command line. There's this realy nifty thing called *stty* that flies
+under the radar most if not all of the time on newer systems. I don't
+know of a single Linux distro that doesn't set stty for you. The reason
+it flies under the radar so often is because it's something that's been
+standardized for so long that it is all but set in stone (as far as I
+know). It's also super handy to have set, and super infuriating to not
+have set.
+=== What is stty?
+Well, technically STTY is an acronym for "**S**et **TTY**". That's tons of help
+though. What's TTY? It turns out that
+[TTY] is an acronym for
+**T**ele**TY**pewriter. Combining all that goodness, we have **S**et
+Now, all this is great, but really, what does this have to do with anything? It
+turns out that while we nearly never need to directly deal with it, we actually
+use it all the time. Here's a short list of a few things we use it for in
+* Backspace
+* Scrolling with a mouse in a terminal
+* Ctrl+C (sigterm)
+* Ctrl+D (logout/eof)
+* All arrow keys, both horizontal and vertical
+I mentioned earlier that stty is set by default on nearly all modern Linux and
+Unix distributions with the exception of old Unix distributions such as AIX,
+Solaris, and HPUX. I posed this question to a few AIX admins I know and all of
+them told me that IBM doesn't set stty for you by default because it's more
+customizable than Linux, therefore better. I have my own very charged opinion
+as to why they don't set a default, but I will leave that out of this post.
+== What does stty look like?
+Where I work, management is endeavoring to make their Linux environment as much
+like AIX as possible. One step in that process is to merge the .profile
+configurations. Since Linux doesn't have stty set in .profile because the
+system has a default, AIX using a Linux .profile doesn't support the
+afforementioned list of modern keyboard keys (backspace? really? no). Imagine
+how infuriating command line can get without arrow keys for cursor movement, a
+backspace to correct your mistakes, and Ctrl+C to clear your line or stop your
+process. The only option we have here is to re-set the Linux stty so when the
+profile is sent over to an AIX system, it also has stty set on login. Here's my
+attempt at porting my Arch Linux stty to aix.
+stty erase ^? kill ^U intr ^C eof ^D quit ^\ start ^Q stop ^S susp ^Z rprnt ^R werase ^W lnext ^V flush ^O time 0 -parenb -parodd cs8 -hupcl -cstopb cread -clocal -ignbrk -brkint -ignpar -parmrk -inpck -istrip -inlcr -igncr icrnl ixon -ixoff -iuclc -ixany -imaxbel -olcuc -ocrnl onlcr -onocr -onlret -ofill -ofdel nl0 cr0 tab0 bs0 vt0 ff0
+== What does all that do?
+I really only want to cover a few things in that list because they are the most
+frequently used and caused me trouble when I was trying to set this up.
+Each of those items up there starting with a
+[\^ (Circumflex Accent)]
+represents a control key combination. For instance, +eof \^D+ will send the
+logout signal upon pressing Ctrl+D. The problem here is that those "circumflex
+accents" aren't caret characters. A circumflex accent is its own character. How
+do we do these in vi/vim? You need another control key combination to tell
+vi/vim that you are going to be pressing a control key combination of course!
+To do, for instance, the Ctrl+D sequence in vim, go into insert mode and type
++Ctrl+v Ctrl+d+ (the d is not capitalized) and you should see +\^d+ show up.
+I did have two problems with this method though: \^S and \^Q. It turns out that
+those aren't Ctrl+S and Ctrl+Q. Since I didn't know those, I elected to use the
+actual digraph instead of the character version to set them. To do this, go
+into insert mode again and hit +Ctrl\+k+ and type the digraph. In the
+case of \^Q and \^S, these are D1 and D3, respectively.
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
diff --git a/src/Don't_Censor_Me_Bro!.ascii b/src/Don't_Censor_Me_Bro!.ascii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..158abf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Don't_Censor_Me_Bro!.ascii
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+Don't Censor Me Bro!
+:author: Aaron Ball
+Most of the people who spend any time on this site are likely techies
+and already know that the road post-SOPA (and PIPA) is a long and dark
+one. For those of you who may not know exactly what it's all about
+though, here's a short summary from Wikipedia...
+[quote, Wikipedia, '[Stop Online Piracy Act]']
+The bill would authorize the U.S. Department of Justice to seek court orders
+against websites outside U.S. jurisdiction accused of infringing on copyrights,
+or of enabling or facilitating copyright infringement. After delivering a court
+order, the U.S. Attorney General could require US-directed Internet service
+providers, ad networks, and
+payment processors to suspend doing business with sites found to
+infringe on federal criminal intellectual property laws. The Attorney
+General could also bar search engines from displaying links to the
+That sounds pretty harmless, doesn't it?
+While the bill seems to have good intentions (who likes a pirate, right?...),
+the overall consequences of it are heavily dependent on how the bill defines of
+"copyright infringement". The (very) unfortunate issue here is that the
+definition of a person infringing a copyright is very broad and could cover a
+very large portion of the internet. To quote
+[section 201],
+subsection A of subsection A of the SOPA...
+. IN GENERAL- Any person who willfully infringes a copyright shall be punished
+ as provided under section 2319 of title 18, if the infringement was committed--
+.. for purposes of commercial advantage or private financial gain;
+.. by the reproduction or distribution, including by electronic means, during
+ any 180-day period, of 1 or more copies or phonorecords of 1 or more
+ copyrighted works, or by the public performance by means of digital
+ transmission, during any 180-day period, of 1 or more copyrighted works,
+ when the total retail value of the copies or phonorecords, or of the public
+ performances, is more than $1,000; or
+.. by the distribution or public performance of a work being prepared for
+ commercial dissemination, by making it available on a computer network
+ accessible to members of the public, if such person knew or should have
+ known that the work was intended for commercial dissemination.
+That's pretty broad. So far, that would most likely shut down Youtube, Facebook
+(people link to Youtube videos, right?), possibly WIkipedia, and most if not
+all of the video hosting sites out there (metacafe, vimeo, possibly netflix if
+their licensing isn't right, etc). A big problem here is that there is that a
+person uploads to Youtube, yet the website will be taken down for one person,
+punishing the rest. But that's aside the point (or is it?). Back to the legal
+talk. In section 201 of the SOPA legislation subsection C under subsection A
+the bill describes examples of copyrighted material that can be infringed upon
+(definition of "work being prepared for commercial dissemination") ...
+. a computer program, a musical work, a motion picture or other audiovisual
+work, or a sound recording, if, at the time of unauthorized distribution or
+public performance--
+.. the copyright owner has a reasonable expectation of commercial distribution;
+.. the copies or phonorecords of the work have not been commercially
+distributed in the United States by or with the authorization of the copyright
+owner; or,
+.. the copyright owner does not intend to offer copies of the work for
+commercial distribution but has a reasonable expectation of other forms of
+commercial dissemination of the work; and</li>
+.. the work has not been commercially disseminated to the public in the United
+States by or with the authorization of the copyright owner;
+. a motion picture, if, at the time of unauthorized distribution or public
+performance, the motion picture--
+.. has been made available for viewing in a motion picture exhibition facility;
+.. has not been made available in copies for sale to the general public in the
+United States by or with the authorization of the copyright owner in a format
+intended to permit viewing outside a motion picture exhibition facility; or
+.. had not been commercially disseminated to the public in the United States by
+or with the authorization of the copyright owner more than 24 hours before the
+unauthorized distribution or public performance.'.
+So what we have here is a very broad definition that covers every single
+copyrighted work of music, software, and sound recording (you can copyright
+those?) in the United States. That definitely would shut down every single
+video hosting site and any other site that re-posted videos/recordings from
+those sites. The consequences of this could be so far reaching.
+This bill is a reaction that reminds me of
+[Stephanie Lenz vs UMPG], a mother
+who lost the suit and was put in prison for posting a 29 second video of her
+child dancing to a Prince song. This kind of response is juvenile at best. SOPA
+is very similar. I mean, who would shut down an entire website just because
+someone posted a short clip of your song on their website? This bill can only
+end poorly. If all it takes to have your website taken down, removed from
+search engines, and banks required to not do business with you is a single
+short clip of a copyrighted song or movie, what kind of punishment will we have
+in 10 years for doing 5 over on the interstate? Moreover, the issue just isn't
+about an unjust punishment for something that can barely be construed as a
+misdemeanor in almost every case, it's about censorship. How is it a good thing
+that one government (let alone more than one) have the power to censor the
+entire world? We've seen what this can do from China. Why is it that this is
+even an issue when we've already seen what this does?
+Please check out the
+page] (the only page that is currently not blacked out), read up on the
+subject, and contact your local government representative. Wikipedia will get
+you contact information for who that is if you go to their homepage. Also, if
+you would like to read the actual bill (as of October 26, 2011), please check
+out the Library of Congress site
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
diff --git a/src/Remote_Mounting_File_Systems_Through_SSH.ascii b/src/Remote_Mounting_File_Systems_Through_SSH.ascii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..958a377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Remote_Mounting_File_Systems_Through_SSH.ascii
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+Remote Mounting Filesystems Through SSH
+:author: Aaron Ball
+Today I was wanting to edit a few image files on a remote machine. Now, when I
+typically need to transfer files across the internet, I will transfer them
+through sftp. I prefer this method simply because I already have an ssh server
+running on my target machine, so I don't need to install anything extra (such
+as ftp or samba).
+In light of this, I figured that since you can transfer files through an ssh
+tunnel, you must be able to remotely mount a file system through ssh.
+Enter sshfs
+I searched around a bit and the first thing I found was sshfs (ssh file
+system). It allows you to remotely mount files systems through ssh/fuse (yay).
+<pre> apt-get install sshfs </pre> Before we get around to actually mounting
+the remote filesystem, we need to change permissions on one thing so we can use
+this as a non-root user since we don't run GUIs as root (at least I hope you
+all don't). Let's add execute permissions for all to the fusermount command.
+chmod +x /usr/bin/fusermount
+Now that we have done that, we can proceed with mounting. I create a
+mount location in my home directory for ease of access.
+mkdir ~/mount
+Now that we have a place to mount our remote location,
+let's actually perform the dastardly deed.
+sshfs <username>@<RemoteServer>:<RemotePath> <LocalMountPoint>
+A good example of this is
+sshfs jimneycricket@nowhereissomewhere:/home/jimneycricket ~/mount
+It will ask you for a password. Supply the password and all should be well.
+Open up your file manager and navigate to \~/mount and you should see the files
+on your remote server (in this case, the home directory for jimneycricket).
+To unmount, you need to log in as root/sudo and run umount \~/mount.
+Finally, if you change the ports that ssh listens to on all of your ssh
+servers, you need to add one extra bit to the sshfs string. To connect to a
+port other than the default 22, put
+-p <port>
+just after sshfs and you'll be set.
+Yay for seamless mounting!
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
diff --git a/src/SSH_Tunnel_Forwarding.ascii b/src/SSH_Tunnel_Forwarding.ascii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..267a621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SSH_Tunnel_Forwarding.ascii
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+Yesterday, I had an idea that remarkably enough, actually worked (go figure,
+huh). I have a few friends who use Linux on their desktops but aren't quite
+Linux gurus (but who am I kidding, neither am I as evidenced by this post).
+Don't get me wrong of course, I'm super proud to have friends that aren't IT
+people but use Linux on their desktops. That speaks a lot to the quality of
+the work the Linux community has produced.
+Despite the whole Linux thing, they still occasionally have issues and call me
+for help. Most of the time, I just need GUI access to troubleshoot router
+issues on their side or something like that. Now, telling someone how to port
+forward and open up firewall ports on a router you don't know just so you can
+directly connect to their laptop/desktop through ssh can be really painful over
+the phone most of the time.
+== Enter the brick that hit me in the head yesterday...
+I was driving to lunch yesterday and began wondering if it would be possible to
+have two computers tunnel to a central server on the same port and in essence,
+forward traffic between the ports. As it turns out, this actually works (!!!),
+and it's really easy too.
+So, for our example we'll have three computers Me, Nexus, and Douglas (you know
+who you are). Nexus is our central server that's accepting ssh connections and
+Douglas is my friend that needs help. It doesn't matter which order these
+connections need to be made in. Additionally, we're going to assume that our
+friend's vnc server is set up and listening on 5901.
+First (not really), you need to connect to the central server
+( for our example). To do this, open a terminal and type
+ssh -L 5901:localhost:5901
+Second (again, not really), our good friend Douglas needs to connect to the
+nexus as well. To do that, he needs to open a *reverse* tunnel to the nexus
+using the following command:
+ssh -R 5901:localhost:5901
+Open your VNC client and connect to localhost:5901 and you should be golden!
+Please take note of the differences in the two commands we just used. The only
+difference (aside from the usernames) is the switch used for the tunnel. The
+*-L* establishes a standard tunnel and the *-R* establishes a reverse tunnel,
+which allows the traffic to be forwarded to another tunnel connected on the
+same port.
+There is one security issue with this that could potentially cause you grief if
+you don't own the central server. If you don't own the box exclusively, other
+users on the box could also connect to the reverse tunnel. If you do own the
+box though, this shouldn't be an issue for you.
+_Insert clever post ending here_
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+:author: Aaron Ball
+== {doctitle}
+Nope, I didn't just yell at you using all caps in the subject. Just for the fun
+of it, let's expand that one out.
+"Secure Shell Virtual Private Network"
+That sure sounds like a phrase you'd hear in some bad hacker movie.
+All sarcasm aside, this is probably one of the coolest things you can do with
+SSH in my opinion. I wrote link:SSH_Tunnel_Forwarding[ a post] about this a
+ways back, but it was limited only to forwarding and reverse forwarding SSH
+tunnels. I recently discovered though that SSH can open this cool thing called
+a[SOCKS proxy] (short for Socket Secure
+Proxy) when using the *-D* switch. SOCKS proxies, unlike SSH tunnels, allow you
+to funnel all protocols/traffic through this one port, just like a VPN. The one
+downside is to use this for everything, you either have to be masterful with
+iptables, have[tsocks] installed, or
+have the BSD version of netcat installed to work some magic.
+== Real Application
+At work this comes in handy because of the way the networks are set up.
+Avoiding all bias about how right or wrong our networks are configured, I often
+need to connect to a particular remote system that sits in a subnet accessible
+only through two jump systems ( jump0 -> jump1 -> destination ). The only way
+for me to get into that subnet is through two jump boxes. Jump box 1 is only
+accessible from jump box 0 and the remote system I need access to is only
+accessible from jump box 1. That means to get to my remote system, I need to
+ssh to jump box 0, from there ssh to jump box 1, and from there ssh to my
+destination system. This is really cumbersome when I need to work on multiple
+systems within this far off subnet.
+Using an SSH SOCKS proxy though, I can have everything set up so I don't have
+to keep opening three nested SSH sessions just to access a single box. Here's
+how it's done.
+== How it's Done
+* SSH to jump box 0 using the following command
+** +ssh -L 1080:localhost:1080 jiminy@jump0+
+* Using the previously established session, ssh to jump box 1 using the
+ following command
+** +ssh -D 1080 jiminy@jump1+
+We now have two nested ssh sessions. The first forwards remote port 1080 to
+localhost:1080. The second ssh command opens a SOCKS proxy on jump box 0
+through to jump box 1. Remember how port 1080 is forwarded to our local box
+with the first ssh session?
+Now, just open an ssh session to any system that is only accessible from jump
+box 1 and your traffic will be forwarded straight on through.
+tsocks ssh jiminy@WayFarOut
+== One Last Thing...
+There was one thing I discovered that was problematic for me on jump box
+0. It turns out that the default configuration for SSH won't allow
+forwarding of SSH traffic. If you're seeing an error like this
+channel 0: open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed
+ need to set *PermitTunnel* in /etc/sshd_config to _yes_ on any boxes
+forwarding the SOCKS proxies.
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+++ b/src/Screenshots_from_Command_Line.ascii
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Screenshots from Command Line
+:author: Aaron Ball
+== {doctitle}
+Today I was wanting to screenshot some work I had done on a vector image inside
+of the window. Now, I have a pretty minimalistic install on my box. Due to this
+I didn't have a screenshot application aside from[The Gimp]...
+or so I though.
+Like almost everything else in Linux, it turns out you can take screenshots
+from the command line. To do this you use the import command.
+import image.jpg
+This will change your cursor to a plus symbol. Click the window you want to
+screenshot and it'll save it to the current directory.
+You may notice however that if your window isn't in the foreground, it may
+require two or more clicks to get the window you want up so you can screenshot
+it. To do this, we simply need a delay.
+import -pause 4 image.jpg
+The -pause switch will delay the screenshot by the duration specified. In the
+example, we delay it for four seconds. Once the delay is up, again you will see
+the mouse cursor change to a plus symbol. Select the window you want to
+screenshot and it will save it to the current directory, unless you have
+specified a different one to save to.
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+++ b/src/Writing_an_Array_to_Sql_Conversion_Function.ascii
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+Writing an Array to Sql Conversion Function
+:author: Aaron Ball
+Lately I've been doing a lot of converting arrays from key-value pairs to SQL
+insert statements. I've been doing it so much in fact that it became pretty
+apparent I would need a toSql function to keep from duplicating this code. With
+that, here's my function. Hopefully it comes in handy for some of you.
+private function toSql($KeysValues) {
+ // Parse from array to quoted csv
+ $keys=implode(',',array_keys($KeysValues));
+ $values='\''.implode('\',\'',array_values($KeysValues)).'\'';
+ return array($keys, $values);
+This spits out an array with a key string and a value string encased in single
+quotes. To use this all you need is
+$data = toSql($KeysValuesArray);
+$sql = 'INSERT INTO test_table ('.$data[0].') VALUES ('.$data[1].')';
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:

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