EXE Disassociation ================== :author: Aaron Ball :email: nullspoon@iohq.net I recently fixed a computer with a problem that I have not seen in several years. As every IT guy knows, files in Windows typically have an extension and that extension is what Windows uses to determine which program should be used as the default for opening that type of file (.docx Microsoft Word, .txt Notepad, .jpg your image program, etc). That being said, what program is used to open .exe (executables / programs) files? I actually am unsure as to the answer for this one. I presume Windows sees an executable file and knows to run it as a program rather than a file that is loaded by another program. [[the-problem]] == The Problem Unfortunately, Windows can lose the association between a .exe and how the file should be run. This is set in the registry but without the ability to run executable files, one can't run regedit to make the changes. [[the-workaround]] == The Workaround Make a .reg file that will correct the problem. Just open the following link, download the file called EXE File Association Fix, and run it. [http://www.dougknox.com/xp/file_assoc.htm" target="_blank http://www.dougknox.com/xp/file_assoc.htm] Restart your computer after you have run the registry file. After logging in, your executable assiciation problems should be fixed. Many thanks to [http://www.dougknox.com/" Doug Knox] for this fix. Cheers all! Category:Microsoft Category:Windows // vim: set syntax=asciidoc: