Writing an Array to Sql Conversion Function =========================================== :author: Aaron Ball :email: nullspoon@iohq.net Lately I've been doing a lot of converting arrays from key-value pairs to SQL insert statements. I've been doing it so much in fact that it became pretty apparent I would need a toSql function to keep from duplicating this code. With that, here's my function. Hopefully it comes in handy for some of you. ---- private function toSql($KeysValues) { // Parse from array to quoted csv $keys=implode(',',array_keys($KeysValues)); $values='\''.implode('\',\'',array_values($KeysValues)).'\''; return array($keys, $values); } ---- This spits out an array with a key string and a value string encased in single quotes. To use this all you need is ---- ---- Category:MySQL Category:PHP // vim: set syntax=asciidoc: