Xkcd:1110 ========= :author: Aaron Ball :email: nullspoon@iohq.net I really like the webcomic http://xkcd.com[xkcd]. Its author, Randall, is hilarious. If you don't read this comic, you definitely should. Recently Randall http://xkcd.com/1110[drew one] that blew my mind (seriously, there are brains everywhere). He basically made what looks to be a 100x100 (there are some empty tiles in there so that's not super accurate) grid of a sad, yet wonderful world. This world, populated by javascript, will take you a tremendous amount of time to scroll through. I can only imagine how much time this took him to make. Well, not to put all of that work to waste, but I decided I wanted to assemble the entire grid into a single image. The first step to that is to download the entire grid of images. With that, I wrote a script. Currently, that script is downloading all of that commic with a .2 second sleep time between images (no DOSing for me). I will post back here with a zip file containing every image and as soon as I have the time, I will write a script to automagically assemble the entire thing! I will also post that here. However, first things first (as I said). The first script to download the entire commic looks like so (yes, I'm sure there are more efficient ways to do this) ---- #!/bin/bash for n in {0..50..1}; do # Quadrant 1 for e in {0..50..1}; do wget "http://imgs.xkcd.com/clickdrag/"$n"n"$e"e.png" && echo $n"n"$e"e.png" sleep .2; done # Quadrant 2 for w in {0..50..1}; do wget "http://imgs.xkcd.com/clickdrag/"$n"n"$w"w.png" && echo $n"n"$w"w.png" sleep .2; done done for s in {1..50..1}; do # Quadrant 3 for w in {0..50..1}; do wget "http://imgs.xkcd.com/clickdrag/"$s"s"$w"w.png" && echo $s"s"$w"w.png" sleep .2; done # Quadrant 4 for e in {0..50..1}; do wget "http://imgs.xkcd.com/clickdrag/"$s"s"$e"e.png" echo $s"s"$e"e.png" sleep .2; done done ---- Category:xkcd Category:Linux Category:Scripting // vim: set syntax=asciidoc: