Linux:dm=crypt Encrypted Home Directories
:author: Aaron Ball
== {doctitle}
There are three primary methods for encrypting one's home directory seamlessly
in Linux:[dm-crypt],[eCryptFS], and[EncFS]. All
differences aside, this post will cover dm-crypt (as indicated by the title of
course). A few things to note before going forwards though. First, this method
is by no means the standard. I'm not even sure if there is a standard way to do
this. This is just the way I've done it and it has worked out swimingly thus
far on more than one computer. Secondly, my method detailed here will use
something called[LUKS]. I highly recommend
this, if not just for convenience. While it does have its pitfalls, they
shouldn't be too bad if you keep a backup of your data. Really though, when
encrypting, you should _always_ keep more than one copy of your data in case
something goes awry.
Before proceeding, here is a list of what this will give you once completed, so
you can decide if this is what you want before reading this monolithic post .
. Users will each have their own encrypted home directory.
* Each home directory will be unlocked using the user's own password.
* Users have complete storage anonimity. Even root can't tell how many
files they are storing, filenames, or even how much data they have unless
the user is logged in at the time of inspection.
. User's home directories will be seamlessly decrypted and mounted at login.
. Users will have their own virtual device, so they will have a storage
"quota". To expand it, the virtual device needs to be extended on its own
(some might consider this cumbersome).
== Setup
This should be relatively simple. Install a package likely called *cryptsetup*
(most of the mainstream distros should have it). This is the utility we will be
using to manage dm-crypt volumes. Note also that cryptsetup can be used for
managing more than just dm-crypt and luks. It also works with Truecrypt (much
to my excitement a few months ago when I needed to extract some data from a
Truecrypt volume, but didn't want to install it becuase of all the suspicion
surrounding it lately).
=== Modifying PAM
==== /etc/pam.d/system-auth
This piece assumes your distribution puts this file here and that it is named
this. Unfortuantely, I can't really write this part to be distribution-agnostic
as most of them do this differently to an extent. The contents of the file
will likely look similar, despite its name. For anyone wondering though, this
section is written from an Arch Linux instance.
Open /etc/pam.d/system-auth in your favorite editor. Be sure to do this either
with sudo or as root or you won't be able to save your changes.
Here we need to put in calls to a module called so it will be
called at the right time to pass the user's password to the mount command,
allowing for seamless encrypted home directory mounting. Pay attention to where
the calls to are. Order is very important in this file.
NOTE: Many distributions use eCryptFS as their default encryption for home
directories. They do it this way as well, but using
instead of
auth required try_first_pass nullok
auth optional
auth optional
auth required
account required
account optional
account required
password optional
password required try_first_pass nullok sha512 shadow
password optional
session optional
session required
session required
session optional
==== /etc/security/pam_mount.conf.xml
This is the configuration file used by pam_mount when the user logs in.
Depending on your distribution, it may or may not already be set up the way we
need for this.
Just before the ++ at the end of the xml file, insert the following
Before proceeding, there are a couple of assumptions that I need to mention
about the way I do this here.
. My home directories are all formatted with btrfs. If you're not using that,
then remove the *autodefrag,compress=lzo* piece in the options section.
. The encrypted block device files are located at */home/.USERNAME* (note the
=== Creating an Encrypted Home Per User
The creations of each user's home directory has a few fairly simple steps [if
you've been using linux command line for a bit]. For the sake of more succinct
directions, here we will assume a username of __kevin__.
. Allocate user's encrypted home space (assuming 15 gigs)
* +dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/.kevin bs=1G count=15+
* This command writes 15 gigabytes of zeros to one file, /home/.kevin
. Encrypt the user's home device
* +cryptsetup luksFormat /home/.kevin+
* This command will require the user to enter _their_ password when
prompted after running the command, as that will be what is passed to
the file container on login.
. Open the user's new home device (you'll need the user to enter their password
* +cryptsetup luksOpen /home/.kevin kevin+
* This will only be needed the first time around. Kevin can't use this
yet becasue it doesn't have a filesystem and it can't be mounted for the
same eason.
. Format the opened dm-crypt device
* +mkfs.btrfs /dev/mapper/kevin+
* This is assuming you want to use btrfs. Otherwise you'd use mkfs.ext4
or some other filesystem of choice.
. Cleanup
* +cryptsetup luksClose kevin+
* In this case, _kevin_ can be the alias given to the opened device on
luksOpen. You can also provide its path at /dev/mapper/kevin.
== How it Works
When a user logs in, they type their username and password. Those are passed to
pam, which verifies the user's identity using the _pam_unix.so_ module. If the
credentials provided by the user are correct, the next step is to pass that
username and password to the _pam_mount.so_ module. This module runs the
commands dictated in the pam_mount.conf.xml. The commands pam mount runs (as
per our earlier configuration) are effectively
cryptsetup luksOpen /home/.$\{username} _home__$\{username} mount /dev/mapper/_home__$\{username} /home/%\{username}
Those commands open the dot file (/home/.username) for the given user with the
recently provided password. It then mounts that user's decrypted dot file at
the user's home directory (/home/username).
== Backups
This kind of encryption makes backups a bit difficult to pull off as the
administrator. Because you don't have each user's password, you can't back up
their data. This leaves you with one option - back up the encrypted block
devices themselves. Depending on how much space each user is given, this can
take a long time (though rsync helps significantly with that) and a lot of
space. This is the downside to[block
device encryption].[Stacked
encryption] though, while rumored to be less secure for various reasons, allows
administrators access to encrypted verions of each user's data. With stacked
encryption, each individual file's contents are encrypted, but the user's
filenames, paths, and file sizes are still accessible to the administrator(s)
(hence the rumored security flaw).
As a user though (if you're using this on your laptop for instance), backups
are simple because the data itself is available to you (you have the password
after all). This however assumes you have user rights on a remote server to
rsync your data to. Even if the remote server has the same dm-crypt setup,
rsync still sends your credentials, so your data can go from an encrypted
laptop/desktop to an encrypted server.
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