MySql:Find all Required Columns =============================== :author: Aaron Ball :email: == {doctitle} I am currently working on a functionality for an app that automatically enforces database null constraints in the client side code and in the server side code (if null='no' then print * next to title and require the value be set in the form postback). Basically, what I need to do is to query the database for all columns that are Null="NO". Initially, I looked into the show command... ---- 'SHOW Columns FROM dbname.tablename where `Null`='NO'; ---- That does almost what I want. However, this unfortunately returns more data than I need, and I'd like to avoid parsing the data if I can get MySql to give me only the data I want. After searching around a bit more, I discovered that one of the default databases in MySql contains exactly what I needed: **information_schema**. The query to grab all fields that cannot be null is not actually too complicated thankfully. ---- SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE is_nullable='NO' && table_name='mytable' && table_schema='mydatabase'; ---- So here, we're grabbing the column_name field from the columns table within the information_schema database provided the is_nullable field is equal to 'no'; The rest is simply filtering it all down so it only returns the column names for our particular table (the table_name field) inside of our particular database (the table_schema field). Category:MySQL // vim: set syntax=asciidoc: