1 Case Insensitive Matching in C++
2 ================================
3 :author: Aaron Ball
4 :email: nullspoon@iohq.net
7 == {doctitle}
9 I had this epiphany yesterday while working on my new command line
10 https://oper.io/src/nullspoon/noteless.git[note-taking project] and I wanted to
11 write a blog post about it since I haven't seen anyone on the internet yet take
12 this approach (though there aren't exactly a lot blogs posts on programming
13 theory of this kind in general).
15 My program is written in C. It provides a search functionality very similar to
16 the case insensitive matching of _grep -i_ (you 'nix users should know what I'm
17 talking about). If you've done much in C, you likely know that string parsing
18 is not so easy (or is it just different). Thus the question...__how to perform
19 case insensitive text searching in c__.
21 A few notes though before we proceed. I'm fairly new to c (about 1 year as a
22 hobby) so everything I say here might not be entirely right (it'll work, it
23 just might not be the _best_ way). If you catch something that's wrong or could
24 use improvement, please send me link:/?p=About[an email]. Secondly, since this
25 is probably something the C gods have already mastered, I will be writing
26 this post aimed at the newer folk (since I myself am one), so bear with me if
27 you already know how to do this. One final note. I am still ceaselessly amazed
28 at how computers work, so I get fairly giddy when it comes to actual memory
29 management and whatnot. Brace yourselves...
31 [[chars-ints-kind-of]]
32 Chars == Ints (kind of)
33 -----------------------
35 To continue, we need to understand a few things about base data types in
36 memory.
38 * **Ints**: An int is just 8 bits of memory (well, it's 16 including
39 signing, but we don't need to cover that here).
41 * **Chars**: Chars are just ints, but marked as chars. Effectively, a
42 number has been assigned to each letter and symbol (including uppercase and
43 lowercase), which is where integers meet chars. The integer determines which
44 char is selected.
46 To demonstrate those two data types, let's take a look at some sample
47 code.
49 ----
50 using namespace std;
51 #include <iostream>
53 int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
54 int i = 72;
55 char c = i;
56 cout << "The integer " << i;
57 cout << " is the same as char " << c << "!" << endl;
58 return 0;
59 }
60 ----
62 What we do here is create <code>int i</code> with the value of 72. We
63 then create <code>char c</code> and assign it the value of _i_ (still
64 72). Finally, we print both int i and char c and get...
66 ----
67 The integer 72 is the same as char H!
68 ----
70 If you're wondering, we could have also just assigned char c the value
71 of 72 explicitly and it would have still printed the letter H.
73 Now that that's out of the way...
76 [[a-short-char---integer-list]]
77 A Short Char - Integer List
78 ---------------------------
80 * **! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /**: 35 - 47
82 * **0-9**: 48 - 57
84 * **: ; < = > ? @**: 58 - 64
86 * *A - Z* (uppercase): 65 - 90
88 * **[ \ ] ^ _ `**: 91 - 96
90 * *a - z* (lowercase): 97 - 122
93 [[lowercase-uppercase-32]]
94 Lowercase == Uppercase + 32
95 ---------------------------
97 You may have noticed an interesting fact about the numbers assigned to
98 characters in [English] computing: uppercase and lowercase letters don't have
99 the same integers.
101 These character integer range seperations are key to performing a
102 case-insensitive string search in c\+\+. What they mean is, if you happen upon
103 the letter **a**, which is integer 97, then you know that its capital
104 equivalent is going to be 32 lower (int 65). Suddenly parsing text just got a
105 lot easier.
108 [[piecing-it-all-together]]
109 Piecing it all together
110 -----------------------
112 Since characters are simply just integers, we can perform text matching via
113 number ranges and math operators. For instance...
115 Suppose you want to build a password validator that allows numbers, upper case,
116 lower case, and __: ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ `__. That is the integer range 48 -
117 57 (the char equivelants of integers), 58 - 64 (the first symbols), 65 - 90
118 (the uppercase), 91 - 96 (the second set of symbols), and 97-122 (the
119 lowercase). Combining those ranges, the allowable characters make up the
120 integer range of 48 - 122. Thus, our program might look something like...
122 ----
123 using namespace std;
124 #include <iostream>
126 int validate_pass( const char* pass ) {
127 long i = 0;
128 while( pass[i] ) {
129 if( pass[i] < 48 || pass[i] > 122 ) {
130 return 0;
131 }
132 i++;
133 }
134 return 1;
135 }
137 int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
138 // The first password that meets the requirements
139 const char* pass = "good_password123";
140 cout << pass;
141 if( validate_pass( pass ) ) {
142 cout << " is valid." << endl;
143 } else {
144 cout << " is not valid." << endl;
145 }
147 // The second password fails because ! is int 35, which is out of range
148 const char* pass2 = "bad_password!";
149 cout << pass2;
150 if( validate_pass( pass2 ) ) {
151 cout << " is valid." << endl;
152 } else {
153 cout << " is not valid." << endl;
154 }
155 return 0;
156 }
157 ----
159 Will output...
161 ----
162 good_password123 is valid.
163 bad_password! is not valid.
164 ----
166 The first password succeeds because all of its characters are within the range
167 of 48 - 122. The second password fails because its final character, the "!", is
168 int 35, which is outside of the allowable character range of 48 - 122. That
169 brings a whole new meaning to the out_of_range exception, doesn't it?
171 That's just one simple example of how this could work. One personal note,
172 please don't put that restraint of > 48 on your users if you write a validator
173 script. Not having access to the more common symbols is a nightmare for users.
175 If you would like to see another example, the one I wrote for case insensitive
176 matchings in my note program can be found at
177 https://oper.io/src/nullspoon/noteless.git/tree/src/common.c#n197 in the
178 *str_contains_case_insensitive* method.
180 Hopefully this is useful for someone besides myself. Either way though, I'm
181 still super excited about the ease of making real-life data programatically
182 usable through conversion to integers. It makes me want to see what other
183 real-life data I can convert to numbers for easier parsing. Images? Chemistry
184 notation?
186 I do say my good man, http://www.bartleby.com/70/1322.html[Why, then the
187 world’s mine oyster, Which I with numbers will open.] (okay, I may have
188 modified the quote a tad)
191 Category:Programming
192 Category:C
195 // vim: set syntax=asciidoc: