path: root/src/dont_censor_me_bro.adoc
blob: 158abf83a614e779bf105ef675c4c4c9113ffcbe (plain)
    1 Don't Censor Me Bro!
    2 ====================
    3 :author: Aaron Ball
    4 :email:
    6 Most of the people who spend any time on this site are likely techies
    7 and already know that the road post-SOPA (and PIPA) is a long and dark
    8 one. For those of you who may not know exactly what it's all about
    9 though, here's a short summary from Wikipedia...
   11 [quote, Wikipedia, '[Stop Online Piracy Act]']
   12 ____
   13 The bill would authorize the U.S. Department of Justice to seek court orders
   14 against websites outside U.S. jurisdiction accused of infringing on copyrights,
   15 or of enabling or facilitating copyright infringement. After delivering a court
   16 order, the U.S. Attorney General could require US-directed Internet service
   17 providers, ad networks, and
   18 payment processors to suspend doing business with sites found to
   19 infringe on federal criminal intellectual property laws. The Attorney
   20 General could also bar search engines from displaying links to the
   21 sites.
   22 ____
   24 That sounds pretty harmless, doesn't it?
   26 While the bill seems to have good intentions (who likes a pirate, right?...),
   27 the overall consequences of it are heavily dependent on how the bill defines of
   28 "copyright infringement". The (very) unfortunate issue here is that the
   29 definition of a person infringing a copyright is very broad and could cover a
   30 very large portion of the internet. To quote
   31[section 201],
   32 subsection A of subsection A of the SOPA...
   34 [quote]
   35 ____
   36 . IN GENERAL- Any person who willfully infringes a copyright shall be punished
   37   as provided under section 2319 of title 18, if the infringement was committed--
   38 .. for purposes of commercial advantage or private financial gain;
   39 .. by the reproduction or distribution, including by electronic means, during
   40    any 180-day period, of 1 or more copies or phonorecords of 1 or more
   41    copyrighted works, or by the public performance by means of digital
   42    transmission, during any 180-day period, of 1 or more copyrighted works,
   43    when the total retail value of the copies or phonorecords, or of the public
   44    performances, is more than $1,000; or
   45 .. by the distribution or public performance of a work being prepared for
   46    commercial dissemination, by making it available on a computer network
   47    accessible to members of the public, if such person knew or should have
   48    known that the work was intended for commercial dissemination.
   49 ____
   51 That's pretty broad. So far, that would most likely shut down Youtube, Facebook
   52 (people link to Youtube videos, right?), possibly WIkipedia, and most if not
   53 all of the video hosting sites out there (metacafe, vimeo, possibly netflix if
   54 their licensing isn't right, etc). A big problem here is that there is that a
   55 person uploads to Youtube, yet the website will be taken down for one person,
   56 punishing the rest. But that's aside the point (or is it?). Back to the legal
   57 talk. In section 201 of the SOPA legislation subsection C under subsection A
   58 the bill describes examples of copyrighted material that can be infringed upon
   59 (definition of "work being prepared for commercial dissemination") ...
   61 [quote]
   62 ____
   63 . a computer program, a musical work, a motion picture or other audiovisual
   64 work, or a sound recording, if, at the time of unauthorized distribution or
   65 public performance--
   66 .. the copyright owner has a reasonable expectation of commercial distribution;
   67 and
   68 .. the copies or phonorecords of the work have not been commercially
   69 distributed in the United States by or with the authorization of the copyright
   70 owner; or,
   71 .. the copyright owner does not intend to offer copies of the work for
   72 commercial distribution but has a reasonable expectation of other forms of
   73 commercial dissemination of the work; and</li>
   74 .. the work has not been commercially disseminated to the public in the United
   75 States by or with the authorization of the copyright owner;
   76 . a motion picture, if, at the time of unauthorized distribution or public
   77 performance, the motion picture--
   78 .. has been made available for viewing in a motion picture exhibition facility;
   79 and
   80 .. has not been made available in copies for sale to the general public in the
   81 United States by or with the authorization of the copyright owner in a format
   82 intended to permit viewing outside a motion picture exhibition facility; or
   83 .. had not been commercially disseminated to the public in the United States by
   84 or with the authorization of the copyright owner more than 24 hours before the
   85 unauthorized distribution or public performance.'.
   86 ____
   88 So what we have here is a very broad definition that covers every single
   89 copyrighted work of music, software, and sound recording (you can copyright
   90 those?) in the United States. That definitely would shut down every single
   91 video hosting site and any other site that re-posted videos/recordings from
   92 those sites. The consequences of this could be so far reaching.
   94 This bill is a reaction that reminds me of
   95[Stephanie Lenz vs UMPG], a mother
   96 who lost the suit and was put in prison for posting a 29 second video of her
   97 child dancing to a Prince song. This kind of response is juvenile at best. SOPA
   98 is very similar. I mean, who would shut down an entire website just because
   99 someone posted a short clip of your song on their website? This bill can only
  100 end poorly. If all it takes to have your website taken down, removed from
  101 search engines, and banks required to not do business with you is a single
  102 short clip of a copyrighted song or movie, what kind of punishment will we have
  103 in 10 years for doing 5 over on the interstate? Moreover, the issue just isn't
  104 about an unjust punishment for something that can barely be construed as a
  105 misdemeanor in almost every case, it's about censorship. How is it a good thing
  106 that one government (let alone more than one) have the power to censor the
  107 entire world? We've seen what this can do from China. Why is it that this is
  108 even an issue when we've already seen what this does?
  110 Please check out the
  112 page] (the only page that is currently not blacked out), read up on the
  113 subject, and contact your local government representative. Wikipedia will get
  114 you contact information for who that is if you go to their homepage. Also, if
  115 you would like to read the actual bill (as of October 26, 2011), please check
  116 out the Library of Congress site
  120 Category:Politics
  121 Category:EFF
  124 // vim: set syntax=asciidoc:

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