* **email**: [aaronb@oper.io](mailto:aaronb@oper.io)
* **phone**: +1 720-319-7799
* **www**: [https://oper.io](https://oper.io)
* **code**: [https://src.oper.io/nullspoon](https://src.oper.io/nullspoon)
* **Primary Languages**: Bash (13 years), C (4 years), Python (3 years), CSS
and HTML (10 years)
* **Tools**: Git (10 years), Jenkins (8 years), Kubernetes (5 years), Ansible
(7 years), Terraform (3 years)
* **Linux**: 15 years - Crux, Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, RedHat, Arch, Gentoo
I am proficient in infrastructure and programming to improve financial,
personnel, time, infrastructure, testing, and software efficiency. I use object
oriented theory and Unix design philosophy to create small, simple,
maintainable, secure, and efficient automation. The radius of impact of my work
can scale from single tasks and programs to large cross-team initiative
coordination in an organization.
* **December 2018 - present**
* Technical Lead Manager (2023 - present)
* Principal Software Engineer (2022 - present)
* Senior Software Engineer (2020 - 2022)
* Software Engineer (2018 - 2020)
* **Primary operating systems**: Ubuntu Server (16.04, 18.04, 20.04, and 22.04)
* **Primary languages**: Bash, C, Groovy (Jenkins), Makefile, and Python
### Technical Lead Manager
* Took on technical and team lead responsibilities. This included high level
project management and collaboration with other team leads, weekly one on
ones with team members, individual goal planning, weekly organizational tech
spec reviews, team priority management, and organization-wide communication.
* Participated in engineering technical specification review committee to peer
review designs of new features to ensure quality, security, stability,
maintainability, and cost effectiveness.
* Managed a highly effective team of four engineers. Lead them through several
major organizational direction changes, getting all four promoted. Worked
with each person on the team to set quarterly growth goals and met weekly
with each person for one-on-ones.
* Coordinated four very large migration projects affecting the entire
engineering organization from old to new technologies, requiring coordinating
migration work across an organization of 300 engineers.
### Principle Software Engineer
* Built self-maintaining internal LetsEncrypt (ACME) service to generate and
maintain signed TLS certs for development infrastructure. Service was
internally stateless, backing state to AWS secretsmanager for easy management
and automated distribution of newly issued certificates.
* Designed, documented, and implemented a Kubernetes-native replacement for AWS
NLBs, reducing cost sigifnicantly and improving connection stability for an
internal service which served over 25 terabytes of data per day for CI and CD
* Solved problem of pivoting to Kubernetes native developement and product
release for developers and customers by outlining and implementing
architecture for migration to a public/private Docker registry with a promotion
process for customer artifacts. Built automation to define the public
registry state in code (ACLs, repos, organization membership, etc) for a more
controllable and auditable setup.
* `[Bash]` Completely eliminated cross availability zone traffic costs for
Jenkins and Artifactory by building a simple solution which intelligently
pinned traffic to the Artifactory cluster instance within the local
availability zone.
* Worked on AWS cost reduction project. Total contributions yielded $350,000
per year in reduction across the organization without negatively impacting
daily operations. Accomplished this with resource cleanup automation, runtime
storage and memory compression, instance usage analysis and right-sizing, and
removal of cross availability zone costs by intelligently pinning traffic to
the local AZ within automation.
* Served as interviewer for several teams around the company, running
interviews for competencies such as DevOps, SRE, architecture, programming,
and culture fit.
### Senior Software Engineer
* `[HAProxy]` Built a Kubernetes native ECR proxy service which allowed greater
flexibility and ease of use for developers needing to interact with
cumbersome ECR endpoints and authentication. Service supported zero-downtime
* `[Bash]` Built on-premises virtualization platform of over 230 KVM guest nodes
to lower costs in AWS. Clusters were completely autonomous and
self-maintaining. Automation registered nodes with their configured Jenkins
masters on boot, and deregistered, refreshed to a clean disk state, and
reregistered after a Jenkins job finished running, automatically maintaining
a clean system state for all jobs with no plugins required and 4 simple scripts.
* `[Kubernetes]` Migrated a three node Artifactory cluster from EC2 to
Kubernetes using Kustomize to manage and automate multiple environments for
testing and release. Maintenance now occur at any time during the day with no
downtime due to custom connection draining automation.
* `[Bash]` Automated auditing of GitHub traffic to determine opportunities for
cost reduction and worked with developers to reduce those costs through
on-system caching, sparse clones, on-prem LFS hosting.
* `[Kubernetes]` Migrated all Terraform Kubernetes code away from Terraform and
into Kubernetes native to improve reliability and state management.
### Software Engineer
* Worked on Development Infrastructure team automating processes and
infrastructure to support development, testing, engineering productivity,
security, cloud operations, and financial operations teams.
* Defined upgrade process and worked with all concerned teams to upgrade
automation infrastructure from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04. Updated all automation
and testing code to be compatible with both versions. Performed the same task
to migrate from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04 one year later.
* `[Jenkins]` Version controlled thousands of Jenkins job configurations and
enforced peer review by storing all job configs in git repos as JJB (Jenkins
Job Builder) templates and deploying with automation on merge request review
and approval.
* `[Python]` Automated Jenkins credential store management and synchronization
across thirteen Jenkins masters using Jenkins Groovy API.
* `[Terraform]` Automated configuration management of infrastructure such as
EC2, ELB/ALB, EKS, Route 53, RDS, and S3.
* Worked with Jenkins, Ansible, Packer, and Terraform to automate system build
processes (AWS AMIs, KVM backing disks, laptop provisioning)
Jeppesen, A Boeing Company
* _(Contract)_ **August 2017 - October 2018**
* Software Integration Engineer
* **Primary operating systems**: Centos 6.9 - 7.7, RHEL 6 - 7
* Worked on the environments team supporting about 80 developers
* `[Bash]` Developed portable self-extracting installer to integrate and
automate the deployment process. The installer reduced a 40 page install
document to a single command using a bash header with a multi-stage binary
payload footer.
* `[Ansible 2.6]` Automated Linux environment setup and management. Wrote roles
for deploying and configuring Apache tomcat, Apache httpd, Apache Artemis,
Oracle JRE, program-developed software, etc.
* Automated software version inventory process to ensure the versions of all
pertinent external endpoints in every environment matched as the product
advanced through the phases of testing.
* `[Jenkins]` Automated deployments to sixteen environments. Deployments
triggered by schedules, Git repo tag creation, and commit pushes (each
environment with different criteria).
* `[Ansible]` Server configuration automation. Wrote scripts to generate
dynamic playbooks and dynamic inventories. Roles were separated into two
tiers: the vendor tier and proprietary tier for separation of concerns.
* Built and administered Okta authentication backend (users, groups, signon
policies, service accounts, etc.), for twenty different application
* Assisted in planning and automation of migration from on-site datacenter to
Microsoft Azure.
Truven Health Analytics
* **January 2016 - August 2017**
* Senior Development Operations Engineer
* **Primary operating systems**: Centos 5.9 - 6.7, RHEL 5 - 6
* Worked as a liaison between devops, configuration management, development,
production operations, and application operations teams
* `[Bash]` Created and documented scripting libraries to improve builds,
deployments, and cluster switching processes. This reduced feature
development and bug fix time and increased process scalability, visibility,
and stability.
* `[Bash]` Implemented a configurable self-extracting package container which
enabled complex scripts, frameworks, and resources to be reduced to a single
file and subsequently easily deployed on air-gapped systems.
* `[Bash]` Wrote a configurable server validation scripting framework for
ensuring any given server met the team's deployment requirements for the
specified server role (eg: frontend, database, storage, tomcat, etc).
* `[Bash]` Automated developer machine build process so developers would have
consistent environments in which to write, build, test, and deploy their
code. This reduced a 2 week per-employee setup time to about 15 minutes.
* `[Perl]` Created a command line Artifactory api wrapper for managing
artifacts. Wrapper could download, upload, and copy artifacts to alternate
repos (eg: for a promotion process).
* `[Ansible]` Wrote roles to deploy and configure MongoDB, Zabbix, Graylog,
Elasticsearch, Rsyslog, Tomcat, and others.
* Automated migration of more than 3200 SVN repos to Git.
* Established and documented Git development and release process standards.
* Managed deployments using a combination of Ansible, Bash, Perl, and Jenkins.
* Reduced Jenkins-triggered infrastructure deployment process from
over 300 jobs down to five jobs.
Time Warner Cable
* **March 2015 - January 2016**
* Senior DevOps Engineer
* **Primary operating systems**: Centos 6.5 and 6.6
* `[Bash]` Automated upgrades of the GitHub Enterprise cluster with minimal
human interraction, including several several workarounds to unfixed bugs in
the appliance software.
* `[C]` Wrote parallel processing program to benchmark legacy VMWare network
against new OpenStack network
* `[C]` Automated audit of 8 million firewall rules and NGINX access logs to
determine how many rules were actually needed
* `[Puppet 3.2]` Configuration management, using r10k for dynamic environment
deployments and Hieradata to support separation of data and modules
* Automating legacy VMWare infrastructure (54 hypervisors) for migration to
CenturyLink, Inc.
* _(Contract)_ **August 2014 - February 2015**
* Linux Engineer
* **Primary operating systems**: CentOS (6.5, 6.6, 7), Ubuntu Server
* Deployed and managed Mapr (Hadoop distribution) for development and test
* `[Bash]` Automated management and synchronization of users and their home
directories, detect and allocate unique uid/gid pairs, and perform various
user-related checks across a cluster of any size
* `[HAProxy]` Proxy of LDAPS traffic from corporate into the lab (dev/test)
network for authentication
* MediaWiki administrative tasks (backups, page management, writing templates,
* Established team version control best practices within Git
* `[Ansible]` Infrastructure configuration automation
Intelligent Software Solutions, Inc.
* _(Contract)_ **March 2014 - August 2014**
* DevOps Engineer
* **Primary Operating Systems**: RedHat Linux (6 and 7), Windows 7
* Wrote Chef v10 cookbooks to deploy any combination of war files on top of
base tomcat instances
* Wrote Chef cookbook compatibility layer for Windows-specific deployments
using cookbooks designed for Linux
* Built a templatized virtual Chef development environment on Linux KVM with
startup times under 5 seconds.
* **October 2012 - March 2014**
* Linux/Unix Systems Engineer
* **Primary operating systems**: AIX (5.3 and 6.1) and CentOS Linux (4 - 6)
* Standardized, consolidated, and converted team documentation from Sharepoint
to MediaWiki
* Audited and remediated security holes to harden Linux and AIX servers
* `[Perl]` Automated reocurring audit of local and Active Directory users with
access to a public facing company FTP site.
* `[Perl]` Automated monthly SOX compliance report for the intersection of our
global sudoers configs with Active Directory integration - all users and all
commands everywhere.
* `[Bash]` Automated jump server SSH key rotation every three months and when
an employee left
Dish Network
* **January 2011 - October 2012**
* Tier II Analyst / Developer II
* **Primary Operating Systems**: Solaris and RedHat Linux
* Worked on a team of 8 to manage over 1,000 JVM application instances
(WebMethods, Weblogic, and Tomcat) running on Solaris and Linux, writing Perl
scripts to process log files, gather statistics, perform software upgrades,
manage rolling restarts, etc.
* _(Contract)_ **August 2010 - December 2010**
* Windows Systems Administrator
* **Primary Operating Systems**: RedHat Enterprise Linux (version 5), Windows
Server 2003
* Analyzed test environment needs to design scaled down test environments based
upon network architecture diagrams of the proposed production environment
* Constructed test clusters (one controller and two test agents each) for load
testing with Visual Studio
AMG Creative, Inc.
* **August 2009 - August 2010**
* Web Developer / Systems Administrator
* Programmed websites on Joomla and Wordpress using PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and
* Built and managed five servers (one virtual [Domain controller, file server,
terminal server, backup server], another virtual [OpenVPN], one host [VMWare
Server], one print server [Ubuntu 10.04], one backup server [Ubuntu 10.04])
CSU College of Business
* **August 2007 - October 2009**
* Web Developer / Systems Administrator