path: root/postfix-lmdb/aliases
blob: 9828d6977e58d95559ec98aa315ca345c28899ec (plain)
    1 #
    2 # Sample aliases file. Install in the location as specified by the
    3 # output from the command "postconf alias_maps". Typical path names
    4 # are /etc/aliases or /etc/mail/aliases.
    5 #
    6 #	>>>>>>>>>>      The program "newaliases" must be run after
    7 #	>> NOTE >>      this file is updated for any changes to
    8 #	>>>>>>>>>>      show through to Postfix.
    9 #
   11 # Person who should get root's mail. Don't receive mail as root!
   12 #root:		you
   14 # Basic system aliases -- these MUST be present
   15 MAILER-DAEMON:	postmaster
   16 postmaster:	root
   18 # General redirections for pseudo accounts
   19 bin:		root
   20 daemon:		root
   21 named:		root
   22 nobody:		root
   23 uucp:		root
   24 www:		root
   25 ftp-bugs:	root
   26 postfix:	root
   28 # Put your local aliases here.
   30 # Well-known aliases
   31 manager:	root
   32 dumper:		root
   33 operator:	root
   34 abuse:		postmaster
   36 # trap decode to catch security attacks
   37 decode:		root
   39 # ALIASES(5)                                                          ALIASES(5)
   40 #        o      An alias definition has the form
   41 # 
   42 #                    name: value1, value2, ...
   43 # 
   44 #        o      Empty lines and whitespace-only lines are  ignored,
   45 #               as  are  lines whose first non-whitespace character
   46 #               is a `#'.
   47 # 
   48 #        o      A logical line starts with non-whitespace  text.  A
   49 #               line  that starts with whitespace continues a logi-
   50 #               cal line.
   51 # 
   52 #        The name is a local address (no domain part).  Use  double
   53 #        quotes  when the name contains any special characters such
   54 #        as whitespace, `#', `:', or `@'. The  name  is  folded  to
   55 #        lowercase, in order to make database lookups case insensi-
   56 #        tive.
   57 #        The value contains one or more of the following:
   58 # 
   59 #        address
   60 #               Mail is forwarded to address, which  is  compatible
   61 #               with the RFC 822 standard.
   62 # 
   63 #        /file/name
   64 #               Mail  is  appended  to /file/name. See local(8) for
   65 #               details of delivery to file.  Delivery is not  lim-
   66 #               ited  to regular files.  For example, to dispose of
   67 #               unwanted mail, deflect it to /dev/null.
   68 # 
   69 #        |command
   70 #               Mail is piped into command. Commands  that  contain
   71 #               special  characters,  such as whitespace, should be
   72 #               enclosed between double quotes.  See  local(8)  for
   73 #               details of delivery to command.
   74 # 
   75 #               When the command fails, a limited amount of command
   76 #               output is mailed back  to  the  sender.   The  file
   77 #               /usr/include/sysexits.h  defines  the expected exit
   78 #               status codes. For example, use "|exit 67" to  simu-
   79 #               late  a  "user  unknown"  error,  and  "|exit 0" to
   80 #               implement an expensive black hole.
   81 # 
   82 #        :include:/file/name
   83 #               Mail is sent to  the  destinations  listed  in  the
   84 #               named file.  Lines in :include: files have the same
   85 #               syntax as the right-hand side of alias entries.
   86 # 
   87 #               A  destination  can  be  any  destination  that  is
   88 #               described in this manual page. However, delivery to
   89 #               "|command" and /file/name is disallowed by default.
   90 #               To  enable,  edit  the  allow_mail_to_commands  and
   91 #               allow_mail_to_files configuration parameters.
   92 # SEE ALSO
   93 #        local(8), local delivery agent
   94 #        newaliases(1), create/update alias database
   95 #        postalias(1), create/update alias database
   96 #        postconf(5), configuration parameters

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