path: root/doc/handbook/package.xml
blob: 4dde1702d07014ec1552e554fb7c841c3f924499 (plain)
    1 <!-- $Id: package.xml,v 1.5 2005/03/27 21:36:13 per Exp $ -->
    3 <title>The Package System</title>
    5 <section id="The-Package-System-Introduction">
    6   <title>Introduction</title>
    8   <para>The package system (<ulink
    9     url="">pkgutils</ulink>)
   10     is made with simplicity in mind, where all packages are plain
   11     <filename>tar.gz</filename> files (i.e. without any kind of meta
   12     data). Packages follow the naming convention <filename
   13     ><replaceable>&lt;name&gt;</replaceable>#<replaceable
   14     >&lt;version&gt;</replaceable>-<replaceable
   15     >&lt;release&gt;</replaceable>.pkg.tar.gz</filename>,
   16     where <filename><replaceable
   17     >&lt;name&gt;</replaceable></filename> is the name of the program,
   18     <filename><replaceable>&lt;version&gt;</replaceable></filename>
   19     is the version number of the program, and <filename><replaceable
   20     >&lt;release&gt;</replaceable></filename> is the version number
   21     of the package. The <filename>pkg.tar.gz</filename> extension is
   22     used (instead of just <filename>tar.gz</filename>) to indicate
   23     that this is not just any <filename>tar.gz</filename> file, but a
   24     <filename>tar.gz</filename> that is meant to be installed using
   25     <userinput>pkgadd</userinput>. This way it is easy to tell
   26     packages apart from other <filename>tar.gz</filename>
   27     files.</para>
   29   <para><userinput>pkgadd(8)</userinput>, <userinput
   30     >pkgrm(8)</userinput>, <userinput>pkginfo(8)</userinput>, and
   31     <userinput>pkgmk(8)</userinput> are the package management
   32     utilities. With these utilities you can install, uninstall,
   33     inspect, make packages and query the package database.</para>
   35   <para>When a package is installed using <userinput
   36     >pkgadd</userinput> a new record is added to the package database
   37     (stored in <filename>/var/lib/pkg/db</filename>). The package
   38     system does not have any kind of dependency checking, thus it
   39     will not warn you if you install a package that requires other
   40     packages to be installed.</para>
   42   <para>The following sections will in short describe how to use the
   43     package utilities. Additional information about these utilities
   44     can be found on their respective man page.</para>
   45 </section>
   47 <section id="Using-the-Package-System">
   48   <title>Using the Package System</title>
   50   <section id="Installing-a-Package">
   51     <title>Installing a Package</title>
   53     <para>Installing a package is done by using <userinput
   54       >pkgadd</userinput>. This utility requires at least one
   55       argument, the package you want to install. Example:</para>
   57     <informalexample>
   58 <screen>$ <userinput>pkgadd bash#2.05-1.pkg.tar.gz</userinput></screen>
   59     </informalexample>
   61     <para>When installing a package the package manager will ensure
   62       that no previously installed files are overwritten. If conflicts
   63       are found an error message will be printed and <userinput
   64       >pkgadd</userinput> will abort without installing the package.
   65       The error message will contain the names of the conflicting
   66       files. Example:</para>
   68     <informalexample>
   69 <screen>$ <userinput>pkgadd bash#2.05-1.pkg.tar.gz</userinput>
   70 bin/sh
   71 usr/man/man1/sh.1.gz
   72 pkgadd error: listed file(s) already installed (use -f to ignore and overwrite)</screen>
   73     </informalexample>
   75     <para>To force the installation and overwrite the conflicting
   76       files you can use the option <userinput>-f</userinput> (or
   77       <userinput>--force</userinput>). Example:</para>
   79     <informalexample>
   80 <screen>$ <userinput>pkgadd -f bash#2.05-1.pkg.tar.gz</userinput></screen>
   81     </informalexample>
   83     <para>The package system allows a file to be owned by
   84       exactly one package. When forcing an installation the ownership
   85       of the conflicting files will be transferred to the package
   86       that is currently being installed. Directories can however be
   87       owned by more then one package.</para>
   89     <warning>
   90       <para>It is often not a good idea to force the installation
   91         unless you really know what you are doing. If a package
   92         conflicts with already installed files it could be a sign
   93         that the package is broken and installs unexpected files. Use
   94         this option with extreme care, preferably not at all.</para>
   95     </warning>
   97     <para>As said earlier the package file itself does not contain any
   98       meta data. Instead the package manager uses the package
   99       filename to determine the package name and version. Thus, when
  100       installing a package file named <filename
  101       >bash#2.05-1.pkg.tar.gz</filename> the package manager will
  102       interpret this as a package named <filename>bash</filename> at
  103       version <filename>2.05-1</filename>. If <userinput
  104       >pkgadd</userinput> is unable to interpret the filename (e.g.
  105       <literal>#</literal> is missing or the filename does not end
  106       with <filename>.pkg.tar.gz</filename>) an error message will be
  107       printed and <userinput>pkgadd</userinput> will abort without
  108       installing the package.</para>
  109   </section>
  111   <section id="Upgrading-a-Package">
  112     <title>Upgrading a Package</title>
  114     <para>Upgrading a package is done using <userinput
  115       >pkgadd</userinput> with the <userinput>-u</userinput> option.
  116       Example:</para>
  118     <informalexample>
  119 <screen>$ <userinput>pkgadd -u bash#2.05-1.pkg.tar.gz</userinput></screen>
  120     </informalexample>
  122     <para>This will replace the previously installed <filename
  123       >bash</filename> package with the new one. If you have not
  124       previously installed <filename>bash</filename>, <userinput
  125       >pkgadd</userinput> will print an error message.
  126       The package system does not care about
  127       the version number of the package in that you can
  128       <quote>upgrade</quote> version <filename>2.05-1</filename>
  129       with version <filename>2.04-1</filename> (or even with version
  130       <filename>2.05-1</filename> itself). The installed package will
  131       be replaced with the specified package.</para>
  133     <para>Upgrading a package is equivalent to executing <userinput
  134       >pkgrm</userinput> followed by <userinput>pkgadd</userinput>
  135       with one (big) exception. When upgrading a package (with
  136       <userinput>pkgadd -u</userinput>) you have the option to
  137       prevent some of the already installed files
  138       from getting replaced. This is typically useful when you want
  139       to preserve configuration and log files.</para>
  141     <para>When executing <userinput>pkgadd</userinput> the file
  142       <filename>/etc/pkgadd.conf</filename> will be read. This file
  143       can contain rules describing how <userinput>pkgadd</userinput>
  144       should behave when doing upgrades. A rule is built out of three
  145       fragments; <emphasis>event</emphasis>, <emphasis
  146       >pattern</emphasis> and <emphasis>action</emphasis>. The event
  147       describes in what kind of situation this rule applies.
  148       Currently only one type of event is supported, that is
  149       <literal>UPGRADE</literal>. The <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> is
  150       a filename pattern expressed as a regular expression and the
  151       action applicable to the <literal>UPGRADE</literal> event is
  152       <literal>YES</literal> or <literal>NO</literal>. More than one
  153       rule of the same event type is allowed, in which case the first
  154       rule will have the lowest priority and the last rule will have
  155       the highest priority. Example:</para>
  157     <informalexample>
  158 <programlisting>#
  159 # /etc/pkgadd.conf: pkgadd(8) configuration
  160 #
  162 UPGRADE         ^etc/.*$                NO
  163 UPGRADE         ^var/log/.*$            NO
  164 UPGRADE         ^etc/X11/.*$            YES
  165 UPGRADE         ^etc/X11/XF86Config$    NO
  167 # End of file</programlisting>
  168     </informalexample>
  170     <para>The above example will cause <userinput>pkgadd</userinput>
  171       to never upgrade anything in <filename>/etc/</filename> or
  172       <filename>/var/log/</filename> (subdirectories included), except
  173       files in <filename>/etc/X11/</filename> (subdirectories
  174       included), unless it is the file <filename
  175       >/etc/X11/XF86Config</filename>. The default rule is to upgrade
  176       everything, rules in this file are exceptions to that
  177       rule.</para>
  179     <note>
  180       <para>A <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> should never contain an
  181         initial <quote>/</quote> since you are referring to the files
  182         in the package, not the files on the disk.</para>
  183     </note>
  185     <para>If <userinput>pkgadd</userinput> finds that a specific file
  186       should not be upgraded it will install it under
  187       <filename>/var/lib/pkg/rejected/</filename>. Files in this
  188       directory are never added to the package database. The user is then
  189       free to examine, use and/or remove that file manually.   
  190       Another option is to use <userinput>rejmerge</userinput>.
  191       For each rejected file found in <filename>/var/lib/pkg/rejected/</filename>,
  192       <userinput>rejmerge</userinput> will display the difference between the
  193       installed version and the rejected version. The user can then choose to keep
  194       the installed version, upgrade to the rejected version or perform a merge
  195       of the two. Example (using the above <filename>/etc/pkgadd.conf</filename>):</para>
  197     <informalexample>
  198 <screen>$ <userinput>pkgadd -u bash#2.05-1.pkg.tar.gz</userinput>
  199 pkgadd: rejecting etc/profile, keeping existing version
  200 $ <userinput>ls /var/lib/pkg/rejected/</userinput>
  201 etc/
  202 $ <userinput>ls /var/lib/pkg/rejected/etc/</userinput>
  203 profile</screen>
  204     </informalexample>
  205   </section>
  207   <section id="Removing-a-Package">
  208     <title>Removing a Package</title>
  210     <para>Removing a package is done by using <userinput
  211       >pkgrm</userinput>. This utility requires one argument, the
  212       name of the package you want to remove. Example:</para>
  214     <informalexample>
  215       <screen>$ <userinput>pkgrm bash</userinput></screen>
  216     </informalexample>
  218     <warning>
  219       <para>This will remove all files owned by the package, no
  220         questions asked. Think twice before doing it and make sure
  221         that you did not misspell the package name since that could
  222         remove something completely different (e.g. think about what
  223         could happen if you misspelled <filename>glib</filename> as
  224         <filename>glibc</filename>).</para>
  225     </warning>
  226   </section>
  228   <section id="Querying-the-Package-Database">
  229     <title>Querying the Package Database</title>
  231     <para>Querying the package database is done using
  232       <userinput>pkginfo</userinput>. This utility has a few options
  233       to answer different queries.</para>
  235     <informaltable>
  236       <tgroup cols="2">
  237         <thead>
  238           <row>
  239             <entry>Option</entry>
  241             <entry>Description</entry>
  242           </row>
  243         </thead>
  245         <tbody>
  246           <row>
  247             <entry><userinput>-i</userinput>, <userinput
  248               >--installed</userinput></entry>
  250             <entry>List installed packages and their version.</entry>
  251           </row>
  253           <row>
  254             <entry><userinput>-l</userinput>,&nbsp;<userinput
  255               >--list&nbsp;<replaceable
  256               >package|file</replaceable></userinput></entry>
  258             <entry>List files owned by the specified <userinput
  259               ><replaceable>package</replaceable></userinput> or
  260               contained in <userinput><replaceable
  261               >file</replaceable></userinput></entry>
  262           </row>
  264           <row>
  265             <entry><userinput>-o</userinput>, <userinput
  266               >--owner <replaceable
  267               >pattern</replaceable></userinput></entry>
  269             <entry>List owner(s) of file(s) matching <userinput><replaceable
  270               >pattern</replaceable></userinput>.</entry>
  271           </row>
  272         </tbody>
  273       </tgroup>
  274     </informaltable>
  276     <para>Examples:</para>
  278     <informalexample>
  279 <screen>$ <userinput>pkginfo -i</userinput>
  280 audiofile 0.2.3-1
  281 autoconf 2.52-1
  282 automake 1.5-1
  283 &lt;...&gt;
  284 xmms 1.2.7-1
  285 zip 2.3-1
  286 zlib 1.1.4-1</screen>
  288 <screen>$ <userinput>pkginfo -l bash</userinput>
  289 bin/
  290 bin/bash
  291 bin/sh
  292 etc/
  293 etc/profile
  294 usr/
  295 usr/man/
  296 usr/man/man1/
  297 usr/man/man1/bash.1.gz
  298 usr/man/man1/sh.1.gz</screen>
  300 <screen>$ <userinput>pkginfo -l grep#2.5-1.pkg.tar.gz</userinput>
  301 usr/
  302 usr/bin/
  303 usr/bin/egrep
  304 usr/bin/fgrep
  305 usr/bin/grep
  306 usr/man/
  307 usr/man/man1/
  308 usr/man/man1/egrep.1.gz
  309 usr/man/man1/fgrep.1.gz
  310 usr/man/man1/grep.1.gz</screen> 
  312 <screen>$ <userinput>pkginfo -o bin/ls</userinput>
  313 e2fsprogs  usr/bin/lsattr
  314 fileutils  bin/ls
  315 modutils   sbin/lsmod</screen>
  316     </informalexample>
  317   </section>
  318 </section>
  320 <section id="Creating-Packages">
  321   <title>Creating Packages</title>
  323   <para>Creating a package is done using <userinput
  324     >pkgmk</userinput>. This utility uses a file called <filename
  325     >Pkgfile</filename>, which contains information about the package
  326     (such as name, version, etc) and the commands that should be
  327     executed in order to compile the package in question. To be more
  328     specific, the <filename>Pkgfile</filename> file is actually a
  329     <userinput>bash(1)</userinput> script, which defines a number of
  330     variables (<literal>name</literal>, <literal>version</literal>,
  331     <literal>release</literal> and <literal>source</literal>) and a
  332     function (<literal>build</literal>). Below is an example of what a
  333     <filename>Pkgfile</filename> file might look like. The example
  334     shows how to package the <userinput>grep(1)</userinput> utility.
  335     Some comments are inserted for explanation.</para>
  337   <informalexample>
  338 <programlisting># Specify the name of the package.
  339 name=grep
  341 # Specify the version of the package.
  342 version=2.4.2
  344 # Specify the package release.
  345 release=1
  347 # The source(s) used to build this package.
  348 source=($name/$name-$version.tar.gz)
  350 # The build() function below will be called by pkgmk when
  351 # the listed source files have been unpacked.
  352 build() {
  353    # The first thing we do is to cd into the source directory.
  354    cd $name-$version
  356    # Run the configure script with desired arguments.
  357    # In this case we want to put grep under /usr/bin and
  358    # disable national language support.
  359    ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-nls
  361    # Compile.
  362    make
  364    # Install the files, BUT do not install it under /usr, instead
  365    # we redirect all the files to $PKG/usr by setting the DESTDIR
  366    # variable. The $PKG variable points to a temporary directory
  367    # which will later be made into a tar.gz-file. Note that the
  368    # DESTDIR variable is not used by all Makefiles, some use prefix
  369    # and others use ROOT, etc. You have to inspect the Makefile in
  370    # question to find out. Some Makefiles do not support redirection
  371    # at all. In those cases you will have to create a patch for it.
  372    make DESTDIR=$PKG install
  374    # Remove unwanted files, in this case the info-pages.
  375    rm -rf $PKG/usr/info
  376 }</programlisting>
  377   </informalexample>
  379   <para>In reality you do not include all those comments, thus the real
  380     <filename>Pkgfile</filename> for <userinput>grep(1)</userinput> looks
  381     like this:</para>
  383   <informalexample>
  384 <programlisting># $Id: package.xml,v 1.5 2005/03/27 21:36:13 per Exp $
  385 # Maintainer: Per Lid&eacute;n &lt;;
  387 name=grep
  388 version=2.4.2
  389 release=1
  390 source=($name/$name-$version.tar.gz)
  392 build() {
  393   cd $name-$version
  394   ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-nls
  395   make
  396   make DESTDIR=$PKG install
  397   rm -rf $PKG/usr/info
  398 }</programlisting>
  399   </informalexample>
  401   <note>
  402     <para>The <literal>build()</literal> function in the example
  403       above is just an example of how <userinput>grep</userinput> is
  404       built. The contents of the function can differ significantly
  405       if the program is build in some other way, e.g. does not use
  406       <userinput>autoconf</userinput>.</para>
  407   </note>
  409   <para>When the <literal>build()</literal> function has been
  410     executed, the <filename>$PKG</filename> directory will be made
  411     into a package named <filename><replaceable
  412     >&lt;name&gt;</replaceable>#<replaceable
  413     >&lt;version&gt;</replaceable>-<replaceable
  414     >&lt;release&gt;</replaceable>.pkg.tar.gz</filename>. Before the
  415     package creation is completed, <userinput>pkgmk</userinput>
  416     will check the content of the package against the <filename
  417     >.footprint</filename> file. If this file does not exist, it will
  418     be created and the test will be skipped. The <filename
  419     >.footprint</filename> file will contain a list of all files
  420     that should be in the package if the build was successful or a
  421     list of all the files that were installed in <filename
  422     >$PKG</filename> (if the <filename>.footprint</filename> did not
  423     already exist).
  424     If there is a mismatch the test will fail and an error message
  425     will be printed. You should not write the <filename
  426     >.footprint</filename> file by hand. Instead, when a package has
  427     been upgraded and you need to update the contents of the <filename
  428     >.footprint</filename> file you simply do <userinput>pkgmk
  429     -uf</userinput>. This test ensures that a rebuild of the package
  430     turned out as expected.</para>
  432   <para>If the package built without errors it's time to install it
  433     by using <userinput>pkgadd</userinput> and try it out. I highly
  434     recommend looking at the <filename>Pkgfile</filename> in another
  435     package(s), since looking at examples is a great way to
  436     learn.</para>
  437 </section>
  439 <section id="Package-Guidelines">
  440   <title>Package Guidelines</title>
  442   <section id="Package-Guidelines-General">
  443     <title>General</title>
  445     <itemizedlist>
  446       <listitem>
  447         <para>The name of a package should always be lowercase (e.g.
  448           <literal>name=eterm</literal> and not <literal
  449           >name=Eterm</literal>). In case the package is added to the
  450           CRUX ports system the exact same name should be use for
  451           the name of the directory in the ports structure, i.e.
  452           <filename>/usr/ports/???/eterm</filename>.</para>
  453       </listitem>
  455       <listitem>
  456         <para>Do not combine several separately distributed
  457           programs/libraries into one package. Make several
  458           packages instead.</para>
  459       </listitem>
  460     </itemizedlist>
  461   </section>
  463   <section id="Package-Guidelines-Directories">
  464     <title>Directories</title>
  466     <itemizedlist>
  467       <listitem>
  468         <para>In general packages should install files in these
  469           directories. Exceptions are of course allowed if there is
  470           a good reason. But try to follow the following directory
  471           structure as close as possible.</para>
  473         <informaltable>
  474           <tgroup cols="2">
  475             <thead>
  476               <row>
  477                 <entry>Directory</entry>
  479                 <entry>Description</entry>
  480               </row>
  481             </thead>
  483             <tbody>
  484               <row>
  485                 <entry><filename>/usr/bin/</filename></entry>
  487                 <entry>User command/application binaries</entry>
  488               </row>
  490               <row>
  491                 <entry><filename>/usr/sbin/</filename></entry>
  493                 <entry>System binaries (e.g. daemons)</entry>
  494               </row>
  496               <row>
  497                 <entry><filename>/usr/lib/</filename></entry>
  499                 <entry>Libraries</entry>
  500               </row>
  502               <row>
  503                 <entry><filename>/usr/include/</filename></entry>
  505                 <entry>Header files</entry>
  506               </row>
  508               <row>
  509                 <entry><filename>/usr/lib/<replaceable
  510                   >&lt;prog&gt;</replaceable>/</filename></entry>
  512                 <entry>Plug-ins, addons, etc</entry>
  513               </row>
  515               <row>
  516                 <entry><filename>/usr/man/</filename></entry>
  518                 <entry>Man pages</entry>
  519               </row>
  521               <row>
  522                 <entry><filename>/usr/share/<replaceable
  523                   >&lt;prog&gt;</replaceable>/</filename></entry>
  525                 <entry>Data files</entry>
  526               </row>
  528               <row>
  529                 <entry><filename>/usr/etc/<replaceable
  530                   >&lt;prog&gt;</replaceable>/</filename></entry>
  532                 <entry>Configuration files</entry>
  533               </row>
  535               <row>
  536                 <entry><filename>/etc/</filename></entry>
  538                 <entry>Configuration files for system software
  539                   (daemons, etc)</entry>
  540               </row>
  541             </tbody>
  542           </tgroup>
  543         </informaltable>
  544       </listitem>
  546       <listitem>
  547         <para><filename>/usr/X11R6</filename> and
  548           <filename>/usr/<replaceable>???</replaceable>/X11</filename>
  549           are reserved for X11 only. X related programs that are
  550           not shipped with X11 should be placed under
  551           <filename>/usr</filename> and NOT under
  552           <filename>/usr/X11R6</filename> or
  553           <filename>/usr/<replaceable
  554             >???</replaceable>/X11</filename>.</para>
  555       </listitem>
  557       <listitem>
  558         <para><filename>/opt</filename> directory is reserved for
  559           manually compiled/installed applications. Packages should
  560           never place anything there.</para>
  561       </listitem>
  563       <listitem>
  564         <para><filename>/usr/libexec/</filename> is <emphasis
  565           >not</emphasis> used in CRUX, thus packages should never
  566           install anything there. Use <filename
  567           >/usr/lib/<replaceable
  568           >&lt;prog&gt;</replaceable>/</filename> instead.</para>
  569       </listitem>
  570     </itemizedlist>
  571   </section>
  573   <section id="Remove-Junk-Files">
  574     <title>Remove Junk Files</title>
  576     <itemizedlist>
  577      <listitem>
  578        <para>Packages should not contain <quote>junk files</quote>.
  579          This includes info pages and other online documentation, man
  580          pages excluded (e.g. <filename>usr/doc/*</filename>,
  581          <filename>README</filename>, <filename>*.info</filename>,
  582          <filename>*.html</filename>, etc).</para>
  583      </listitem>
  585      <listitem>
  586        <para>Files related to NLS (national language support), always
  587          use <userinput>--disable-nls</userinput> when available.</para>
  588      </listitem>
  590      <listitem>
  591        <para>Useless or obsolete binaries (e.g.
  592          <filename>/usr/games/banner</filename> and
  593          <filename>/sbin/mkfs.minix</filename>).</para>
  594      </listitem>
  595     </itemizedlist>
  596   </section>
  598   <section id="Pkgfile">
  599     <title>Pkgfile</title>
  601     <itemizedlist>
  602       <listitem>
  603         <para>Do not add new variables to the <filename>Pkgfile</filename>.
  604           Only in very few cases does this actually improve the
  605           readability or the quality of the package. Further, the only
  606           variables that are guranteed to work with future versions of
  607           <userinput>pkgmk</userinput> are <literal>name</literal>,
  608           <literal>version</literal>, <literal>release</literal>,
  609           and <literal>source</literal>. Other names could be in
  610           conflict with internal variables in
  611           <userinput>pkgmk</userinput>.</para>
  612       </listitem>
  614       <listitem>
  615         <para>Use the <literal>$name</literal> and
  616           <literal>$version</literal> variables to make the package
  617           easier to update/maintain. For example, 
  618           <literal>source=($name-$version.tar.gz)</literal>
  619           is better than
  620           <literal>source=(</literal>
  621           since the URL will automatically updated when you modify the
  622           <literal>$version</literal> variable.</para>
  623       </listitem>
  625       <listitem>
  626         <para>Remember that source is an array, i.e. always do
  627           <literal>source=(...)</literal> and not
  628           <literal>source=...</literal></para>
  629       </listitem>
  630     </itemizedlist>
  631   </section>
  632 </section>

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